Chapter 10

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Bries POV

I was so caught up with all the annoying Luke drama, I had forgotten it was merely Friday. Thank goodness. My usual weekends where spent inside my bedroom with my good friends tumblr and twitter. Yup, that was basically my life.

I had ignored Luke the rest of that day, I just couldn't be bothered with facing him, well not yet. Hannah hadn't told me much about what happened with her and Michael as some dick went and talked back to Mr withers, the strictest English teacher in the whole school. The whole class was spent in silence after that so we couldn't exactly talk to each other.

The day had finally ended and I could wait to get home to each the large tub of Ben and Jerry's hiding in the freezer. Of course I wasn't gonna let anyone else touch it.

I caught up with Hannah who was walking out of school, with a big smile on her face. Obviously something great had happened between her and Michael.

"Hey, what are you cheesing about!" I asked as I caught up with her. She turned to me smiling, her face having this glow around it, she seemed really happy.

"Oh my god Brie! There's just to much to say I don't know where to begin," she said with a giggle, stopping midway and sighing, her eyes glistening. I nearly gagged. It was cute and all her being with Michael but it was a little bit too much when all she did was think about him, especially in front of me. She should save it for her own personal time.

"Just start from the beginning," I said a little uncertainly. Not really wanting to know. She let out a small squeal in happiness and I winced, she noticed and sent me a apologetic look.

"I'm sorry, it's just so exciting. This is what I've been waiting for like forever and it's finally happening," she said with a dreamy look on her face. I smiled slightly, it was true. This was like her dream and I was happy for her.

"I'm happy for you," I said and she smiled pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back and we laughed. These times here the best, when you could just laugh for no reason with your best friend.

"You should sleep over," she said after a second and I hesitated. I didn't really enjoy sleeping anywhere else other than my bed, I don't know why. I just found it uncomfortable.

"I'll tell you everything between me and Michael also I have great news about Emma," she said and my mood instantly changed. I nodded excitedly, it seemed like a good deal. I also wanted to meet Emma, Hannah's big brother Ashton's, girlfriend. She was the sweetest girl ever and her and Hannah got on really well with each other. She was practically part of their family, always spending time at Hannah's house and it wasn't like I had anything more important to do.

"Okay, just let me go home and get my stuff," I said to her and she nodded. Me and Hannah lived quite close by so that was helpful.


When I got home I made sure to be as quick as I could. I packed my bag with my night clothes and spare toothbrush. Pulling on an Hollister hoody, I made my way into the kitchen. Worst mistake ever.

Alison and my mum where siting there smiling and laughing with each other. Hurt stabbed my chest as I thought that we never did that. My hate for Alison grew as I saw her smirk for me as if she could what I was feeling. My mum saw me and gave me a small smile. I didn't return it as I turned to the freezer, wanting to get my Ben and Jerry's.

This made my mum angry. "Brie, do not ignore me like that," she said sternly and I wanted to scream in her face that she ignored me, basically every day.

Opening the freezer I muttered a small 'okay' not wanting to associate with her at all. Alison didn't leave any chance to not torment me as she spoke up.

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