Chapter 7

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Bries POV

"Oh my, welcome to the family dear." Luke's mum said coming forward and pulling me into a hug. I stood there shocked, not returning the hug. What was happening? Glancing a look at Luke I saw that his eyes where pleading me to play along. I inwardly sighed giving in, I wouldnt want to do this I Luke wasn't helping me with studying and shit.

I gave Mrs Hemmings a fake smile as she pulled back from the hug. Talk about awkward.

"Thanks for the warm welcome Mrs Hemmings," I said and heard Luke give a small sigh of relief under his breath. She gave me a smile and shook her head.

"Oh no dear you can call me Liz," she said and I smiled with a nod. Lukes dad wasn't saying much, I'm not sure why but I was kinda glad. It would have been an even more awkward conversation.

Luke, coughed trying to get rid of the awkward tension which was lingering in the air. Liz, soon caught on and the look of realisation hit her face.

"I get it guys, you want to be left alone. That's fine me and Andrew will just get going now," she said and Luke nodded looking thankful.

"Okay mum," he said and she gave me one last smile.

"Nice to meet you honey."

"Nice to meet you too," I spoke and she took Luke's dads hand, both of them leaving the kitchen. They seemed nice enough but i had no idea where the girl friend act came from.

I walker forward and took a seat where Luke's parents where sitting. I looked at him and he had a worried look on his face. I soon broke the silence, not being able to take it anymore.

"So you gonna explain to me, what the heck that was?" I asked him, harsher than I intended too but it was too late now, I had already said it. I sent him a glare and He brought a hand through his hair, distracting me for a second but I then went back to my glaring.

"Well, um you see..." He trailed off and I rolled my eyes, even though he had the hot bad boy look, yes I am admitting it openly now, he still needed to work on his confidence.

"C'mon spit it out," I said dropping my glare and just waiting for an answer. I hated how confused I was on the inside.

"Okay. Well as you can tell my parents are pretty rich people, lawyers in fact. They want me to lead in their footsteps and of course have kids one day to inherit all this. Since I'm not really interested in having a girlfriend they always set me up with random lawyers girls I don't know. I hate it of course so I kinda panicked and told them you where my girl friend because I was wondering if we could fake date," he said and then took a gulp of air after speaking so fast.

I thought about what he said, my gaze softening, no one should be forced to be with someone when the don't want too. I had always thought of it a horrible idea but then I caught onto the last words he said and nearly chocked onto my spit.

"Fake date?" I repeated and he nodded.

"Can I ask why you came up with this crazy idea," I said to him and he sighed.

"I know it's crazy and I'm sorry but if they know I have a girlfriend they will leave me alone and not force me into doing stuff I don't want too," he said and I kinda felt sorry for him. But then I remembered he wanted to fake date with me.

"Why the hell me?" I asked loudly, why not some other girl, who would actually probably be willing for a relationship. If Luke dressed like this he could probably get any girl he wanted to, all he had to do was try.

"I'm not quite sure but I thought as a payment you could do it like instead of money," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"It's as clear as glass that you don't need the money," I said and he chuckled. I noticed a small dimple on the side of his cheek pop out. It made him look cute. I nearly slapped my self. I could think these thoughts of my fake boyfriend, yes I was agreeing. I'm not quite sure why but my life was pretty boring as it was and I didn't really have a reason not too.

"Nice simile, so are you in or what?" he asked me with hope.

"Yeah sure, but we have to go over some rules," I said thoughtfully and he smiled widely at me.

"Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. And of course there has so be some rules," he said and I nodded, agreeing. I didn't want this to fail, like his parents finding out the truth.

"It's fine, Luke. I'm only doing this cause your tutoring me. So what's the first rule?" I asked him. He thought for a second before responding.

"Well we obviously have to act like a couple in front of my parents, like holding hands, hugging, kissing and all that jazz and I think it would be a good idea to act like it in school too, so no one can rat us out," he said and I honestly stopped listening to him after he said kissing. Us kissing? I was okay about the whole couple idea but me and Luke kissing. How would that turn out? Your a fake couple so of course you'll have to kiss Brie, make sure the rest of the world knows it's real, my conscious spoke to me and I agreed with it. It would be something we would have to do.

"Hey Brie, so do you agree with me?" He spoke, breaking me from my trail of thought.

"Yeah, yeah that's fine," I said not quite sure what I was agreeing too.

"So we're gonna have to act like a real couple in school," he said with a chuckle and my eyes widened. Is that what he was talking about. Oh shit, I had already agreed. No going back now Brie.

"Okay," I said still not quite sure. "But I have one condition," I added and he raised an eye brow.


"You have to loose the geek look," I said and he looked shocked. I new it was kinda harsh but seriously if he looked like that in black, why not look like that all the time.

"Why, what's wrong with it."

"I think that you look way better, in this," I said truthfully, waving a hand down his entire, making my point clear.

A small blush appeared on his cheeks and I let out a giggle.

"Fine," he huffed and I just rolled my eyes. He seriously didn't know how good he looked, I bet girls would be all over him if they saw him like this. I felt something at the pit of my stomach at the thought of that, wait. This couldn't be jealously. I sure wish not because if it was, what the hell had I gotten my self into.


Aww there so cute.

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Anyways I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for the long wait. If you did like it please VOTE and COMMENT. It would mean so much.


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