Chapter 14

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Bries POV

Luke led me up stairs and I recognised we where going to his bedroom. I was still in awe of how amazing his house was. I had finally stopped sniffling and mentally slapped my self, why did I have to cry in front of him like that. I must have looked so weak.

I was astonished at Luke's offer, we hardly new each other and he was letting me stay with him. Of course I wouldn't stay here for long and I also needed to go job hunting to find a stable job which would help me save up for when I left.

Luke turned around and sent me a small smile, my heart sped up just a tad and I knew that was bad.

"Would you like a shower?" Luke asked me and I raised an eye brow at him. His eyes widened and he looked like he had just realised something.

"Wait! Not that you smell or anything. You actually smell quite nice," he said and I couldn't help but laugh at his cuteness. A pink blush spread across his cheeks. He covered his cheeks with his hands trying to hide it.

"It's fine Luke, I know what you mean. And thanks I would love a shower." I said to him, as I stopped laughing. I tried to ignore the fact that he said I smelled nice but I couldn't help a small smile form on my face.

"Okay you can use the shower in my room," he said with a small smile and I nodded.

"Thanks Luke," I said to him as we walked side by side into his mouth dropping bedroom. I honestly loved it. If I was a guy it would totally be my room. The guitars where still hanging on the wall and it took me all my strength not to walk over and try to play them. Key word in that being try. I couldn't be musical even if I wanted too. I had once tried to learn how to play the cello when I was little but that ended terribly with the music teacher having to go to the hospital. I wasn't aloud to go to lessons after that.

"This is the bathroom," I heard Luke say behind me as I was still staring at the instruments. Which was a bit odd. I turned to meet his wondering gaze but just smiled in return.

"Thanks again Luke, I really appreciate it." I said and he lifted a hand.

"Stop right there. You don't need to keep on saying thanks," he said and I smiled at him widely, happy.

"Alright Luke."

"I'm just going to get you something to eat," he said and I nodded. I hadn't actually ate lunch so I was starving. I was the type of person who couldn't go two hours without eating. I just couldn't do it.

"Thank-." I cut my self off by slapping a hand over my mouth. Oops. He laughed at me, a wonderful sound that I liked the sound of even more every time I heard it.

"I'm just going to go in now," I said dropping my hand, a little bit awkwardly.

"Cool," he said and I smiled at him one last time before entering the bathroom.

It was a nice and small, the perfect size for Luke. It didn't have a bath tub but a shower, and also some cabinets with of course a toilet. I put on the simply working shower on before stripping out of my clothes. Neatly I placed them on the counter next to the sink. It was only when I got into the hot shower was when I realised that I didn't actually bring any clothes with me.

Oh shit.

There wasn't much I could do about it as Luke was away getting me something to eat and I was in the shower. My luck is great isn't it.

Sighing, I let my hair get wet before picking up a lynx body wash from the side. I really needed to think about things before I did them because everything went seriously wrong for me all the time. Everything.

Tutor Me Mr Cutie~Luke Hemmings (editing)Where stories live. Discover now