Chapter 1 - Nolstagia

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"See you tomorrow Miss Wright"

"Goodbye Tom"

Mary's voice is barely audible as she waves goodbye to the last of her students after they all rushed out of class at the end of the school day.

Going over to the window, she watches the kids rush to their guardians, exchanging hugs and kisses, before being whisked away to their respective homes.

The sight gives her the feeling of nostalgia, what she wouldn't give to go home to a loving family at the end of a long day. Such was her life once upon a time, but all that has changed now.

The thought of her past brings back mixed feelings, something she would rather avoid dwelling into altogether.

Shaking her head slightly, she shuts out the unwanted memories and focuses on the present....finish off some school work, then go home, eat, watch some movies, until she falls asleep. Simple and she likes it that way.

"Hey, i am just about ready to call it a day, are you ready to leave?" Rachel asks, poking her head into Mary's class, as she offers her a lift back home, like she usually does on some days.

"Hai.... No, I have quite a bit of material to grade, i think i will stick around a little bit today, but thanks" she replies, snapping out of her reverie and turning around to give her a warm smile.

"Are you sure? It's a friday, you have all weekend, c'mon, live a little." Rachel insists, wiggling her eyesbrows at her and walking into the room altogether.

"I have this thing i was invited to, and i am allowed to bring a plus one, come with me" she offers, putting her hands on Mary's desk and starting to put her things in order, before she slithery puts one hand in the back of her denim jeans, she likes to dress casual on a Friday, like most of the other teachers here at Lakeroad Elementary School.

Watching her, Mary sighs, having known her for the past two years now that she has worked here, she knows this discussion will only end well if she gives in to her request. She has been denying Rachel's invitations long enough and will not hear the end of it if she declines again.

" I guess i can work on this stuff later tonight" She concedes, trying to offer her her best smile.

"Yay" Rachels claps her hands in excitement and rushes to the door.

"Meet me in the car park in five minutes" she adds before she disappears out of the door.

Mary's stares at the door for a minute, already regretting her decision, she walks towards her desk to pack the remaining things and starts heading to the car park.


"We can stop by your house so you can put your things away and change into something else" Rachel utters, after giving her a brief glance.

Mary immediately recognises this for what it is, a reprimand of her outfit, which comprises of a formal dark green cotton dress, that ends just over herp knees and a black button up sweater. This is not new to her, because Rachel often chastises her about her choice of clothes and often tells her she dresses as if she was 10 years older or something.

"Are we not going to be late, where are we going anyway" she finally asks, remembering that she didn't get the details.

" You know Rancic publishers? The owner also owns the 'The Post Newspaper'? Well, my cousin works for the him and they are having some kind of party i think, and so she invited me."

"Oh, well, that doesn't sound much like my kind of scene" Mary responds, thinking how much she would trade what Rachel has described to throwing herself on her sofa in her pajamas to watch her favorite series on Netflix back at home.

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