Chapter 7 - Blurred Lines

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Arrived home shortly after sundown on sunday. No doubt i had an absolutely amazing time over the weekend and i am really glad i accepted Ally's invitation after all.

The quiet solance of my apartment is such a dull contrast to how loud, active and exciting my weekend had been. I love my quiet apartment, but i miss the company of the girls so much already.

And inspite of myself, i can't help but think about Angelo and how he disappeared altogether when he left to pick up a phone call last night, living me all alone for the rest of the movie, no one even approached me because they thought he was coming back.

I don't know if i will see him again and no matter how much i try not to think about it, i keep replaying our conversation over and over again.

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door which i am confident will turn out to be Luke.

"Hey you" he says hugging me.

"Hai" i say, hugging him back as he lifts me and carries me back to the living room, illiciting a fit of giggles from me in the process.

"Thanks for the data by the way," he says, putting me down.

"You made me look good" he winks.

"Don't i always" i chuckle, going to the kitchen. He follows with his laptop.

"So, how was your weekend?" he grins.

"Great, fantastic" i laugh.

"I am so glad i accepted the invitation".

"I told you you would. So, how do the rich spend their time on weekends huh? give me details"

And i do.

I tell him everything, which includes the information about Eric calling.

"I can beat him up for you, make him dissapear, no one will ever know" he suggests jokingly.

I laugh

"Seriously though, maybe you should go to the police if he persists" he adds.

"Yeah, i guess" i shrug.

Then i tell him about Angelo. Every encounter and conversation.

"Are you listening?" i ask, when i notice Luke busy typing away on the laptop.


"What are you doing?"

"The internet is a very useful thing my dear friend, here, i found some stuff" he mutters before adding.

"Angelo Morreli, father is Associate Justice Ivan Morreli of the Supreme court, mother is Dr Loraine Paul Morreli...uhhmm fancy" he makes a face and continues.

"So Angelo is one of five children, he has an older brother, Benjamin who is married with two kids, and three younger siblings, twins Alexis and Alana in college and last born Andreas in highschool. Big family there."

"Uhhmm" i respond, feeling like i am spying or invading his personal space.

"Maybe you will get to met them soon. So did he ask you out?" he asks, looking up from the laptop?

"Were you not listening to me at all?" i ask, wondering at what part i may have implied that.

"Ok, what if he asks you out? Will you accept?"

"He wouldn't ask me out" i state with confidence.

"Say he does?"

"Did you not see that?" i point at the laptop, ergo the information he just read out.

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