Chapter 62 - Let Go

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Angelo's POV

Upon leaving the hospital, still incognito, we go back to the police station, where i am told Claire is already being held, after being arrested from her family home, not too long ago.

Like I expected, Eva took control of the situation and managed to keep everything that's going on the down low for the time being, but i suspect by morning, everything will begin to blow up in the media.

"Did you find him?" I ask, not needing to specify who, as everyone already knows who i could be talking about.

"Out of town, and there are even pictures to back that up" someone chuckles, and i nod.

Max did brag about covering his tracks well, but i welcome the challenge of dismantling his plan, one piece at a time.

Unfortunately, all that this means is that, all blame and responsibility is left solely on his sister, but in as much as i want her punished, it's Max i am yearning for the most.

"What do you want us to do?" Kyan asks.

"About Max? Right now, nothing....he will come back to town all on his own..... unfortunately, there is little the police can do about him at the moment, but we will get him soon enough" I say, staring out of the window.

It's a couple of hours past midnight by the time we arrive at the police station, so i only make a statements and answer a few questions. After all, it's been quite an eventful day, and i just came from the hospital where i witnessed my kids being born, top that with the fact this this is quite an awkward hour, so, all parties have agreed to carry out the rest of this interrogation tomorrow at noon.

But before we leave the station, i am allowed to watch as Claire is being questioned. I listen in as she gives her account of the last six months, from beginning to the end according to her, and in all of it, she doesn't make a single mention of her brother being involved.

I don't know what arrangement she has with him, but she is clearly assuming all responsibility. Infact, even when Steph is brought into the mix, who i believe also here at the station, she says little to implicate her.

I don't know what the hell she is doing, but it means that i have to seat down with my team and decide how we will go about this in a way that will give me the result i want, before I meet with the police later. What i want more than anything is Max, and for that, i need to rethink how i will go about achieving this.

And whether i like it or not, having Steph involved in all of this complicates things for the family. She is the mother of my niece and nephew and i am just about to send her to jail, i am not sure how that will look or work out. As for Ben, he and i have not addressed the subject yet and we might need to discuss it privately first aswell.

All in all, i need a moment to think, go over everything before i can talk to anyone, that includes my own team.

I hear dad has been doing worse than usual, so i decide to drop by the house now, instead of going to the house Marianne and i share. When we left the hospital, almost everyone of my family was there, but that was hours ago, so i expect everyone to be back home by now.

And they are.

To be honest, none of this feels real. The last couple of hours, i kept wanting to pinch myself from time to time, just to make sure i am awake and this is not a dream. The last few hours have been so eventful that i haven't really had time to process the fact that this is over, and thereby pushed the emotional part of this whole situation to the back of my mind.

But walking into my home, seeing my family, i feel the breaks i had tightened over my emotions start to ease, and i brace myself for the waterworks that coming from both sides.

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