Chapter 19 - My Angel

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I can't believe him. I huff, walking up the stairs.

That's what i get for going to him, I should have just stayed in bed and tried to get back to sleep.

It's not even about what he was asking, but the way he was asking? His tone, his express and attitude, as if i had to check myself incase i said something he didn't like.

Where does he seriously get the nerve, acting like he owns me. He is not even my boyfriend.

And then what about Luke? What does that have to do with anything? He was going about it almost as if i had cheated on him with him or something.

He can think whatever he wants. I am not going to tell him what he wants with that attitude. I bet he has been with more women than i can count, and he thinks i want to hear all about it?Pshhh! No thank you, spare me the details, i am definitely not interested in that information.

I push the bedroom door open and slump myself on the bed, rearranging the beddings to get comfortable.

But why am i even surprised, i already know he is annoying and crazy........among other things. I huff again, blowing some hair off my face.

Grabbing a pillow tight, i turn towards the windows and consider walking over to the sofa. Maybe i am exagerating but i do it anyway.

The door opens almost immediately i lie down and i hold my breathe.

I hear him walk around a bit then his footsteps get closer.

"What the fuck are you doing?" That tone again.


"I heard you" i continue to lie down as he stands over me.

"Well?" he persists.

I sit up and face him. He has a smirk on his face, seemingly amused at my expense.

"What are you doing?" he asks again, folding his arms over his chest, making his forearms more pronounced in his vest.

I imagine he must work out alot to be in this good shape. I notice he is wearing loose basketball shorts, his legs look just as toned as the rest of him.

Don't get distracted.

"What does it look like i am doing, i am trying to sleep, it's way past midnight" i lie back down but look up at him, while holding the duvet close to my chest.

"You are acting childish" he mutters.

"Wow, you are really on a roll tonight, anything else?"

"Yeah" He bends down and picks me up like i weigh nothing, causing me to squeal in surprise as he carries me back to the bed and tosses me on it.

"You know, you act kind of like a bully" I pant, getting my bearings.

"You are awfully sensitive over the subject" He says, getting back to our precious topic, while he climbs onto the bed and sits in the middle.

"I am not sensitive. You were patroning. I don't owe you any explanations, if i want to offer that information to you, i will, but i will not accept you demanding it from me like that.

"I was not demanding" he replies calmly, his tone in contrast to my angry one.

"Don't think that your lawyer tricks will work on me." i sigh, lying back against the pillows.

He smiles.


"You are quite an overdramatic, frisky one aren't you, and to think everyone thinks you are some delicate little flower that needs protecting from me" he muses.

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