Chapter 55 - 8 Letters

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A/N. 8 letters.👆👆👆

Angelo's POV

After spending some more time enjoying the view that's before us, we call it a day and stand up to go back home.


We are going home, but this is my home too. It feels like home.

Anywhere she is, feels like home to me.

She is my home.

"What?" She asks, noticing me looking at her as i have the little conversation in my head

"I love you" I reply instead, and realise how easily these words seem to roll off my tongue these days.

I never thought i was that guy, that kind of guy that was so expressive about their feeling towards a woman. Even in my past relationships, i was never one to throw around words of endearment so often or easily like this.

Hell, i even thought Nick was whipped and crazy when it seemed like he was wrapped around Ally's little finger, but now, now i am exactly in the same spot, and there is nowhere else i would rather be.

There is nothing i wouldn't do for this girl and i want her to know it.

Eight letters.

Eight little letters that though i have said many times before to another, feel like they don't mean the same thing any more. They couldn't possibly, because they carry a different value now, or perhaps it was a lie before.

Saying and hearing them now feels like they sustain me. I need to say them out loud so i don't explode from the magnitude of emotions that's are swirling inside of me.

She smiles, and leans more into my side.

"I love you much much more baby"


With the Boston trip now nolonger one of my concerns, Saturday couldn't come fast enough. The hours drag along until it was finally time to go to the hospital for our appointment at noon.

Walking into Dr Sloan's office, an elderly woman I am very familiar with, who also delivered both Bella and Ivan, i can't help the anxiousness somehow coupled with excitement that's causing my heart to beat fast.

We can't tell the sex of baby yet, but i am excited to get to hear the heartbeat and just to see how things are moving along so far.

The doctor makes polite conversation, asking me about the family and then asks alot of questions about how Marianne has been feeling lately as she preps for the procedure.

She asks Marianne to lie back and raise her shirt to just below her breasts, and she does that, taking my hand in hers, afterwards and squeezing it slightly as we wait for the doctor to make the next move.

She smears the usual jelly on her belly, and starting looking for the exact spot our baby is positioned. My eyes are glued to the screen, trying to make out any shape or anything that will make sense.

I unconsciously hold my breathe, as i wait to hear the sound of a heartbeat.

The silence seems to stretch for eternity, as i recall Marianne's constant tiredness lately, she was told she has low blood pressure at her last appointment and asked to take it easy and take medicine to increase her blood count and aswell as provide her with the vitamins needed for a healthy pregnancy.

I think about everything we have been up to lately and try to determined if she has been doing anything tedious that would put her health and that of the baby at risk.

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