Chapter 27 - Point Of View

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Angelo's POV


Serene, sated, at peace, relaxed...........content.

That's how everything felt when i woke up this morning.

It's a feeling i am getting used to receiving every time i spend time with my little angel.

A feeling i have become addicted to.

That became very clear to me, as i watched her try to get out of bed carefully so not to wake me up, even though unknown to her, i have been awake for a few minutes already, needing to get up, but unable to leave her side just yet.

She picked up a towel and wrapped it around herself and took careful calculated steps to the bathroom. I almost felt bad at her predicament, she must be completely tired and worn out from a night of endless lovemaking, not that she was complaining.

I don't know why, but we couldn't get enough of each other, even when we went down to make a light meal, we were unable to keep our hands off each other, so we ate, watched the news and went back to bed.

My life can be suffocating sometimes, i work crazy hours because i am handling alot of business besides my law career, and my personal life hasn't been a piece of cake either, so many times i felt numb, just passing through it all.

But meeting Marianne has created a little bubble where i feel alive again, excited and energized about life.

Every moment we spend together is always better than the last, and last night was by far the best for me.

What i wouldn't give to stay home all day and just shut off the rest of the world from our little paradise.

And how i wish i had done just that, shut off the rest of the world from us, even if it was only going to be for a few more minutes of tranquility.

Because all it took was one phone call.

One phone call to burst me out of the bubble i am floating in and thrusting me back into the chaos that is my world.

The very last thing i expected today was to hear Claire's voice on the other end of the line.

"Claire??" i ask again in disbelief, the familiar sound of her voice coming off hestitant and unsure on the other end.

"Yeah, I know it's out of the blue, but....." she murmurs.

"Out of the blue?? It's been three years" i retort.

"I know, can we talk?" she asks.

I look at the bathroom door where Marianne just dissapeared off too.

"Ange?" Claire's voice brings me out of my thoughts.

"Hold on" I say and reach for some clothes.

I walk out of the bedroom and put the phone back to my ear again.


"Listen, i am sorry, i know its been a while and it's out of the blue, but i wanted to talk to you, if that's ok" she utters slowly.

I make it down stairs and walk to the office without responding to her.

I run my fingers through my hair as i process this.

This has caught me by surprise. I tried for months to get in touch with her, but her family wouldnt let me see her, blaming me for how she chose to react to her problems and when i tried to talk to her on the phone when i did managed to get to her, she refused to talk to me.

And now out of the blue, she wants to talk.

What does she want?

"Ange, please say something"

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