Chapter 54 - Worth It.

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Marianne's POV

The next two weeks go by fast, and i spend most of my days mostly at the new house, keeping an eye on renovations, and when i am not doing that, i am usually sitting on the lawn, under my favorite tree on the estate, reading a book or writing, sometimes just watching a movie.

The works are almost done here, although, a few room still need furnishing. Angelo has been too busy to supervise anything much and so he left that task almost entirely up to me, seeing as i have the time. He is letting me do whatever i want, as long as we get to move in after this coming week. In my opinion, we are good to go even right now, as for the remaining rooms, i think we can take our time and figure that out gradually.

We haven't moved in yet, but i have already gotten used to being here. There is so much green bare land, lots of flowers, trees and other plants, a pool and a small pond, which we added after being inspired by the ponds in Mexico at the resort during our vacation.

I am completely in love with this house. I can already picture all the activities we will be able to do with our baby, and Bella and Ivan when they come over.

Everything is falling into place, and funny enough, moving into a new house and having a baby, is making me feel like Angelo and i are already married. At the beginning of this year, i never in my wildest dreams would have ever guessed my life would end up like this. This is more than i could have ever wished for.

Angelo and I have discussed the house warming party and decided to have it next week. This Saturday we have an appointment to have an ultra sound.

It's almost 6pm, and like every day this week, Angelo is coming to pick me up so we can go back to the apartment together.

Angelo is always punctual, so noting the time, i get up and pick up my stuff and walk to the car park. By this time, all the workers have gone home already, so it's just me and security left.

As expected, he is already here.

"Hey," I murmur, walking into his open arms for a kiss. He lifts me up and spins me around, before putting me down again.

"Hai" he replies.

"How was work?" I ask and he frowns.

He has been having problems concerning his family businesses, mostly with Ben, after his father decided to step down on all his work responsibilities.

"Ok i guess, just glad it's Friday. Ready to go"?

"Yeah........wait, did you drive" I ask, when i notice him open the passenger door for me. Lately he is chauffeur driven.


"Can i drive?" I ask.

"Ok" he says without skipping a beat.

I did not expect him to say yes. I didn't even mean it. I don't want to drive.

But he walks to the drivers side and opens the door for me.

Oh crap!

This is the busy hour when people are driving home from work, the roads ought to be packed right now and i don't want to drive around this time.

But not wanting to back down, i get in behind the wheel with ease and grace.

I am ok driving when i am alone now, i just get nervous when i have an experienced driver with me, because i feel like my driving methods are constantly being scrutinized and judged.

But Angelo, plays it cool. He looks relaxed too, like he has complete confidence in my skills.


After driving through the traffic for some time, i finally really relax when I notice Marianne start to relax, and eventually loosen up her death grip on the poor Stirring wheel.

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