Chapter 2 - Last Friday Night

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Angelo's POV

My 5:30 am alarm brings me out of my morning slumber and i frown, wanting to break my alarm clock for the disturbance, when my sleep had just gotten good.

I forgot to turn off the alarm like I usually do on weekends.

The timing couldn't have been worse because I pretty much rolled around bed for the most part of the night after i got home earlier that I had anticipated and it took me a long time to finally fall asleep, so now, I feel sleep deprived.

It was barely 9pm when I finally decided to call it a night at Lorrenzo's house party, after having lost all interest in the event.

After Marianne left, I had struggled to entertain Eva for the remainder of the evening. Eva is a colleague and friend of mine and even though we are not romantically involved, she was irritated and complained about my aloofness towards everyone else after Marianne left.

To be honest, I don't really understand it myself, i was perfectly geared for an interesting evening after a long week of stressful court appearances.

Lorrenzo is a good friend, and his company is always entertaining. I don't understand why Marianne leaving bothered me so much, someone who up until last night, I had even forgotten existed.

Meeting her at Lorrenzo's house party of all places was definitely a surprise, but i must admit it brought a jolt of excitement to an otherwise predictable evening and her leaving so abruptly was like a bucket of cold water was poured over me and I couldn't shake off the thought of her for the rest of the evening.

As usual, she was inappropriately dressed, but even her dull outfits do little to hide the fact that she is a beautiful woman, those blue eyes are gorgeous, that even I must admit.

Her attitude however always rubs me off the wrong way, the first time I met her was at Nick's penthouse when she was tutoring Ally, she came of as self-righteous and a know it all. We had a difference of opinion on a political matter, but instead of agreeing to disagree, she became very standoffish and judgy, and i couldn't stand for it.

Then a few weeks later, she showed up at another one of Nick's family's parties at Ally's request of course, but showed up two hours late, how disrespectful is that? And on top of that, in her usual boring outfits and it just pissed me off even more.

But last night however, she looked very vulnerable, and it wasn't something i expected from her, it surprised me so much that i couldn't get her troubled look off my mind the rest of the evening.

I wonder what was really going on with her yesterday, and if she got home ok.

Why I am still giving her space in my head I don't understand.

Running my fingers through my tousled bed hair, I grab my phone off the nightstand and check for missed calls or messages that i might find interesting, finding none i want to return urgently, i put my phone back.

Deciding to shake off all thoughts of last night, i get out of bed. Like most Saturday mornings, i change into my workout clothes consisting of a black sleeveless t-shirt and same colored workout shorts that go up to the middle of my thighs, and head to my workout room, that should clear my head and put me back on track for the day.


Holding the comforter up to her chin, in the comfort of her double bed, Mary watches the daylight slip into her bedroom through the connecting points of her emerald, green curtains, signaling the start of a new day.

It's almost winter now and the weather is starting to get very cold during early morning, evening and especially after midnight, which she would know, considering she is usually up most nights due to her insomnia.

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