Chapter 8 - Playing Out Backwards

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I hold her tight against my shoulder, and rub her hair with one hand, while the other wraps around her lower back.

I look up and see Nick approaching, but i don't care what he thinks anymore, he sees that something is wrong and i shake my head, indicating for him to go away.

Suddenly, Marianne, detangles herself from my arms and i let her.

"I have to go, Ally is waiting for me" She says softly, wiping stray tears while making a few sniffles.

"No, not like this" i whisper, brushing her cheek with my thumb, my other hand at the back of her neck, squeezing gently and she whimpers, closing her eyes briefly. I don't want to let her go.

"Angelo....i have to go" she says, looking up at me, even though the tears are not falling anymore, her eyes are still, red and glossy, she might tip at the slightest provacation.

"What time will you be done?" i ask, my hand still at the back of her neck, soothing her.

"Uhhmm, six..six thirty" she whispers, looking down at her wrist watch.

"I will come and get you" i say and when she opens her mouth to protest i add.

"I am not asking, go on" i give her a little push and she frowns and walks away, stoping at the door to take a deep breathe before walking in again.

Who the hell has the audacity to upset her like that!

"What happened?" Nick asks curiously, when i return and find him with Marco.

"I don't know, she was quite upset when i found her" i reply, almost absent minded.

"Oh, but what did she say? didn't you ask her what happened?"

"She didn't tell me" i repeat.

"But....." Nick starts but i glare at him this time.

"She had to go and finish her lesson with Ally, so I. Don't. Fucking. Know. Whats wrong yet." I snap.

"Right." he says, exchanging a dirty look with Marco.


"Excuse me, goodnight" i mumble on my way out.

In the library, i push the door open knowing they won't hear me if i knock anyway, walking past a few shelves i walk to the area i know i will find them.

Leaning again a shelf i look at the pair of them. They must be done, because they are talking and laughing, Marianne looking composed almost as if i imagined what happened a few minutes ago.

I clear my throat.

"Angelo, hai, fancy seeing you here" Ally smiles.

"Hello Alaia" I respond, my eyes shifting to Marianne, who gives me a brief smile that doesn't quite meet her eyes.

"Surprised to see you in here." Ally continues.

"Am actually here to pick up Marianne, i will take her home." i tell her and her mouth opens in silent surprise as she turns to look at her.

"We ran into each other in the hall, and well, he offered" Marianne explains.

"Oh....right, well, ok then, yeah....i guess then i will see you Tuesday?" she mumbles through her surprise.

"Tuesday" Marriane comfirms, picking up her teaching material and other stuff.

"Goodnight" I smile at Ally, before turning around and walking behind Marianne, my hand on her lower back.

We walk in silence out of the house and to my car. I open the door for her and walk to my side. After i get in i ask for her address and she gives it to me.

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