Chapter 49 - Outnumbered

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Angelo's POV

"We need to talk"

"Right now?" she asks, as her hand lays across my stomach, one of her legs between mine as we lie in an intimate embrace.

I nod, even though i don't want to part from her, i need some distance to focus. So i raise myself up abit to rest my back against the pillows lying against the head board.

"You want to talk, right now?" She asks again, looking up at me now.

I clear my throat.


She frowns.

"Does it have to be right now, right this moment?" she whines.

"Yes baby. I don't think i can wait any longer" I reply.

She slowly sits up, pulling her dress up to cover her chest in the process, and then stretches her arm in order to pull the strap back over her shoulder.

I grab her arm, stoping the movement.

"I said to talk, not get dressed"

"How can we have a serious conversation like this?"she blushes, referring to our basically naked state.

"What's wrong with being naked?"

"I can't take you seriously like this." She chuckles, glancing down at me briefly before meeting my gaze.

"...Come here" I say, pulling her to sit between my open legs with her back to my chest.

"Now you don't have to look at me, better?" I ask.

"Yes, thank you" she murmurs.

She already pulled the dress up to cover her chest, so i slide it back down to her waist again and cup her breasts in my hands, nuzzling her neck a little bit too.

"This is a bad idea"she giggles at my actions. we can mix a bit of business with pleasure, now that i finally have her to myself, i want to enjoy every minute of it.

"What now?" She asks, resting comfortably against my chest, with her hands on my thighs on either side of her.

I lean further back against the pillows, taking her with me in order to get more comfortable and relaxed.

"The thought has been playing on my mind for a while now and I don't have any more patience left to wander anymore. I need to know for sure so that we can take it from there." I say.

"I know.....I want to know too" she replies.

Ok, i didn't expect that....I expected to have to twist her arm a little just to get her to agree.

"Ok....looks like we are on the same page. We can get a test kit from the pharmacy, and take the test here" I suggest.

"Tonight?"she mutters.

"Yes.... the sooner the better, don't you think?"

"I guess" she nods.

I lean over to the side of the bed and grab the phone provided for the room and make a call to receiption, so they can connect me to AJ's room.

"I almost forgot those guys are here too." She murmurs after i cut the call.

We came with two guys for security. One from my team and one from Nicks.

"Why can't we just go and get the test kit ourselves?" She asks.

"Because we have other important things to discuss" I whisper, rubbing up and down her arms.

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