Chapter 30 - Domino Effect

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Marianne's POV

"Angelo, we left him there around that time" I say, my mind going haywire.

"Left him where? at the restaurant? You were at Sarovar Premiere tonight?" he asks with a look of anguish.

"Yes, we left around eight thirty and he stayed there at a meeting" I try to swallow but my mouth has run dry.

Mom stands up, and faces me.

"Am sure he left long before any of that happened. It seems pretty recent" she says softly.

"Why don't you call him, find out where he is?" Luke suggests.

"I can't, i don't have my phone with me right now"

Today is really a messed up day to not have my phone.

"You can use mine if you want" he suggests, handing me his phone.

"I don't know his number by heart. Can we go there? i need to know what happened"

"Mary, its past midnight now, i doubt anything is still going on anymore, besides, it's not really a safe place to be" Luke reasons.

"Well i can't just stay here and go to bed, i need to know if he is ok" i almost want to cry.

"Let me call Jared, and find out what he knows."

As he makes the call, mom starts to walk towards me and i put the small package i am gripping in my hands into my sweatshirt pocket. She reaches me and squeezes my hand comfortingly but doesn't say anything.

This must be the worst visit ever for her, at this rate i doubt she will ever want to come back here again, i think sadly.

I give her a small smile and try to listen in to Luke's conversation.

"Alright, yeah.....thanks man" Luke hangs up.

"The incident happened over an hour ago and there is still quite alot of action going on. But alot of information is being kept under wraps, and i guess it makes sense now that Nickolas Bishop and Angelo Morreli are involved." He says thoughtfully.

"But no one died, so relax." he adds.

Relax? relax? honestly is that even possible. What am i supposed to do, put on my pajamas and go to sleep.

I sigh in fustration. What should i do?

Maybe i can go to his apartment, even if he isn't there, atleast i can get my phone and check on him.

"Oh wait, Ally, Nick was there too, and i am sure she knows what's going on" I say rushing to where i had her phone number written down when we first met

....but then again, i haven't really told her Angelo and i have been seeing each other and if she is ok with it, considering i have somewhat of a professional relationship with her and Angelo is basically part of their family.

But i can't worry about that now.

I get Luke's phone and call her.

"Hey Ally, am so sorry to call you this late"

"Hai Mary, it's ok, i am awake anyway"

"I just saw the news about the incident at the restaurant and wondered if you know what happened, if Angelo and Nick are alright" i try to sound casual.

"Oh yeah, i spoke to Nick recently, and he is alright, i didn't know Angelo was with him and he didn't mention anything about him, we didn't speak for very long because he had to go."

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