Chapter 65 - Surrender

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A/N. Hey guys...thank you ALL so much for following my story and for your great feedback and votes....Truly appreciate it...I want to dedicate this chapter to @Sadykay & @Kryshasopia....... Xoxoxo.


Angelo's POV

Present Day

"I think i want to propose to Marianne" I say nonchalantly, as i toss around the stress ball in my hands against the wall, my feet up against the edge of Nick's office desk.

"What? Again? What's it going to be now, a fourth time?" He chuckles.

"Third!" I mutter.

Nick laughs.

"C'mon the girl has already said no twice, didn't you just propose to her the other day?" He Snickers.

"It's been over two fucking years. Exactly one year since the last time i asked" I grumble to his amusement.

"I thought this is what you always wanted, you know..You hated marriage... Shall i remind you of what you always used to say?"

"I know what i said....but that was a long time ago, and it's different now, isn't a man allowed to change his mind?" I ask rhetorically.

" were pretty adamant.. besides, didn't you say you will never ask her again after that public rejection you got? So why now?"

"I swear if she introduces me to someone as her boyfriend one more fucking time, I will hurt someone" I seethe, and this time Nick burst out laughing.

"Well are you not her boyfriend?"

"It just sounds so......I don't know, like we are teenager's playing house....I feel like it demeans the significance of our relationship...I hate it. We are more than that, we are life partners, and i want to be addressed as that." I confess.

"It's just titles, didn't you always say that?"

"Don't remind me of what i fucking said years ago...You ain't no saint, didn't you change?........ It's just so irritating...and i swear, i think she just does it to annoy me." I mumble.

"So what exactly is she supposed to introduce you as then"

"Well, if she would only accept my propose, i would be her husband. We are literally married. Sometimes i feel like she is doing this to punish me" I whine.

"I don't see what the big deal's not like she needs a ring to keep men from coming on to her or something...everyone already knows she is your woman, and no one would dare cross that line in fear of you, and like you said, you have kids, you live what's the big deal...?

"Yeah, that's easy for you to are already married"

That pushes Nick into another fit of laughter.

"Are you serious right now .....You are complaining about not being married? You? This is too fucking good, i need to record this" he mumbles between laughter.

"Knock knock" Marco utters, walking into the room without waiting for an invitation.

"Good, you are here, you are late." Nick utters him.

"What's with the laughter?" Marco asks.

"And what's up with you?" He adds, noticing my somewhat downcast demeanor.

"Ohhh...he wants is to propose to Mary, again" Nick supplies bursting into another fit of laughter.

"No shit!! Again??? What's this going to be now, the fourth time?"

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