Chapter 14 - Intoxicated

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Slowly, we pull apart and press our foreheads together, both just allowing our heartbeats to slow down.

"Psychotic?" he whispers, pulling back to look at me with furrowed eyebrows, as if only now comprehending what i said.

And i burst out laughing.

"You think it's funny?" he asks, turning me around so that i have my back to his front and his arm comes across my shoulders, our fingers interlacing, as we both look at our reflection in the mirrored wall.

"You were imagining things, being unrealistic..shall i go on?"

Instead, he looks down at my dress and a scowl forms on his face.

"I hate this dress" he complains.

"You have made that very clear."

The doors open and we walk out to his car in the underground parking lot.

"You don't mind that i am the one taking you home?" he asks suddenly as the car pulls out and into the streets.




We reach my neighbourhood and it's a complete contrast to where we are coming from. Unlike Angelo's place that is situated in the heart of the city, filled with skyscrapers, and glass buildings, my neighbourhood, is quiet and the buildings mostly concrete and old.

A gentle reminder of how different we are, our background, our upbringing and lifestyles are as different as night and day. How can something like this possibly work?

I feel him take my hand again as we walk up to my building entrance, looking at him, he looks content, oblivious to the thoughts running through my head.

"What's wrong" he asks suddenly.

Gosh, he is so good at reading me.

"I was just wondering about the woman from the party...the one you were with" i say. It's one of my many thoughts.

"Eva? She's a colleague and a friend. Nothing romantic is going on between us" He stops walking to explain.

"Ok" i say nonchalantly, pulling at his hand to follow me as i start walking again.

"Is that all?"

"Yes" I smile, and he tags at our hands so that i am the one who comes to him.

"I like when you smile" he says against my lips, bringing his other arm around me, as we exchange a short kiss. And it warms my heart at how gentle he is being with me.

"Let's go, am so cold" i complain.

"That should teach you to never wear........"

"Oh my God! will you let it go already" i rush inside.

Angelo takes the keys from me and opens my door, going in first. He closes the door after i walk in and i hear the lock turn.

And it suddenly hits me, am here in my apartment, alone with him, at somewhere past 10pm, there is only two ways this night will end and i don't know if i am ready for this step.

My thoughts are interrupted when he comes up behind me, one hand coming round to my front, just below my burst, while the other hand, gently rubs my bare back.

"I would like to stay, but if you want me to leave, i will, just say the words" he says softly against my ear, his breathe sending shivers down my spine.

I both love and hate that he is giving me a choice, throwing the ball in my court.

He stops and withdraws his touch altogether, and i already feel the emptiness.

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