Chapter 3 - Fate Has Other Plans

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Marianne's POV

As the week rolls by, everything goes by normally, and i start to put my 'little adventure' behind me, even Rachel has given up her interrogation of me and has gone back to treating me like before, friendly but with some distance.

With her house a couple of blocks away from my apartment building, she usually offers me a ride home when she is headed straight there from work, which she has continued to do this week.

By Thursday, am glad to be coming to the end of the week, and looking forward to tomorrow, I genuinely love Fridays because I know the weekend is just around the corner, and everyone is generally in a good mood.

Plus, no matter how bad the week was, I'd know I have the weekend to recuperate before starting again on Monday, so at least I can look forward to work tomorrow.

My Thursday evening chill and cooking session is interrupted when I receive a call from Ally.

We met when she, together with some other people from the nonprofit foundation she manages, came to our school to open up a new department aimed at offering Extracurricular activities for kids with special needs.

During the event, we were introduced, and she turned out to be very down to earth and relatable.

Then she came back to school a week later in her own capacity to check how things were going and attended my class. Afterwards, she asked me to tutor her in English and history and the rest is history, I guess.

Now, despite our student-teacher relationship, she has been incredibly kind and nice to me and we have been really friendly with each other so much that she even invited me over to a family party once.

"Hello" I smile into the phone.

"Hey, you, how are you doing?" she sounds happy.

"I am good, thank you, how are you feeling?" I ask, remembering the last time we spoke, she mentioned she wasn't feeling well and so had to cancel our lessons.

"I am feeling better now, thank you."

"Great, are you calling to reschedule our class then?"

"No, actually, to invite you to a girl's night tomorrow, and before, you say anything, am not taking no for an answer." she says.

We go back and forth for a few minutes until I say yes eventually.

I imagine there must be a ton of people she must be friends with, or people who are better suited to her in terms of running in the same circles, i honestly, don't understand why she is so friendly and persistent with me.

I can only imagine how Rachel would act if she were in my place, i chuckle. Infact, if she finds out I know Ally personally...... aarrghh...I don't even want to think about it.

I am glad that we have kept our lessons private and out of the public eye.

Any case, after last weekend, i would have preferred to keep my distance away from the rich and famous on a personal level, but Ally and her sisters are just so sweet, i really do enjoy their company.

So now, i guess i have a date for Friday night. I hope it won't turn out to be like last friday.


Angelo's POV

After a lazy noneventful week, Friday evening has me relaxing at home waiting for Nick. He and Ally recently moved into their new house, and Ally invited her sister's over for the weekend for a housewarming party, or sleepover or something like that, leaving Nick to require a place to stay for two nights.

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