Chapter 36 - In The Line Of Fire

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Angelo's POV

Returning back to bed, i find Marianne still perfectly asleep. I set an alarm for 6am and join in on her peaceful slumber.

As I curl my arm over the warm skin of her torso, I think about my resolve. Yes, i will tell her everything in the morning.

My stomach turns at the thought of her reaction. I can't imagine a time when I will ever find peace in this bed without her again.

Later, after I wake up, leaving her still in bed, i give myself about forty five minuties of an intense workout in the gym, pushing myself as far as I can go, almost as if to punish myself. That's until she taps me on the shoulder and i hastily turn around to look at her a little too aggressively from the shock of her coming at me out of the blue.

She steps back and away from me defensively.

"Hey sorry.....thought you were sleeping" I say, pulling out my ear phones from my ears and taking off my boxing wraps to tag her back to me.

"What did that punching bag ever do to you." She sneers, leaning back away from me some more.

"Am sorry, did I frighten you?" I smile apologetically.

She shakes her head, wrapping her arms around my back while looking up at me, her chin on my chest, surprisely not bothered with my sweaty body.

I smile, kissing her forehead.

"'You ok?" She asks.

"I am now that you are here" I smile, repeating our mantra, and kissing the cheeks and forehead of her still sleepy face repeatedly.

She giggles.

"What are you doing up so early?" I ask, still catching my breath from the work out.

"Dad's memorial remember..... I have to get going" she says softly.

"Oh.....I forgot to tell you, i made some arrangements, Eli will drive you to the airport and come with you......but don't worry, he will stay out of your way, unless you need him.....the flight will only take about thirty minutes, so you have some time to spare now"

"Oh ok, thank you" she murmurs softly.

"I am sorry I can't come with you this time... there is just...."

"...some things you need to take care of, I know" she frowns, completing my sentence and untangling herself from me, then she goes to stand by the window looking outside.

"I am sorry, but it won't always be this way, I promise" I say, going to standing next to her.

" Don't make promises you can't keep" she says lightly, without looking at me, and I realise how much my busyness and perpetual absence is begining to bother her.

"Hey, i keep my promises" I turn her head to look at me.

She smiles "Are you done here?"

" Yeah, but if you really plan on doing the marathon, you need to start joining me in here"

"I would love too know, I walked on the treadmill every evening in your absence" she says proudly.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yep, next time, wake me up"

"Ok" I will hold her to it.

"Anyway.....I was going to go take a shower but then thought that maybe you would like to take one together" She says, steadily, but the look on her face let's me know how shy she really feels about asking me.

I smile at the thought.

"Yeah, let's go" I throw my arm over her shoulders as we walk to the bedroom together.

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