Chapter 66 - Written In The Stars

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Marianne's POV

I am basically running up and down the bedroom and closet, trying to get ready as quickly as possible. This is all my fault for deciding to join Angelo in the shower in the first place, now i myself, who was half way done with getting ready, will have to start all over again.

Angelo on the other hand, will only take about ten minutes to get ready, and probably scold me for being late.

I stand infront of the dressing mirror, furiously try to dry my hair with a towel, while he comes up behind, making sure to brush into me, grabs something off the tabletop and lingers just enough to annoy me.

I remove the towel off my head and look at him through the reflect.

"You don't have all day, hurry up" He winks and walks away.

I sit down and look at him again through he mirror, he looks relaxed, doing his thing, knowing he will be done before me.

My hair and my face will be the biggest problem for me right now. I decide to go with a tight bun on top of my head. I don't have time for anything fancy, i already ruined the hair i had people spend hours working on earlier.

This is a really special day and i want to look my best. My best friend is getting married, who would have thought. Luke is getting married and i couldn't be happier.

The past two plus years, have been great for him and i am so excited that he is taking this step.

A step Angelo and i would have taken too along time ago, if it weren't for me. Today isn't just Luke's wedding day, but it would have been my engagement day too, instead, it's the day i rejected another one of Angelo's proposals. If i had said yes, i am sure we would be husband and wife right now.

I would be lying if i didn't admit i think about that alot and wonder how nice that would feel. I don't regret refusing the first proposal, we were not ready and it was the right thing to do, we both agreed on that later a hundred percent. It's the second one i have doubts about.

We were both in such a great place with our careers and our family and our relationship was going really really well. Then the proposal happened, and i am not really sure why i said no. I guess some of the reasons Angelo initially had against marriage, sort of sunk into me, and i was just afraid of rocking the boat when everything was going so well.

Plus after making it clear we were never going to take that path before, i thought i would make him sweat it out abit....anyway i genuinely thought we would talk about it further when it happened, but to my complete surprise and horror, our family and friends popped out from hiding and the narrative that i had said no, was sealed in ink.

I would have gotten married if he really wanted to, i told him that, but he said it wasn't the same thing, and i remember that that's exactly how i felt too when he suggested way back that if marriage meant that much to me, he would do it even though he didn't believe in it.

I wanted to talk about it further, but it had to wait until after everyone was gone and even then, he didn't want to talk about it anymore, said that everything was ok. But the fact that he didn't want to talk about it ever again, or even just joke about it, made me realise just how much it really bothered and cut him deep.

It's been a year now, and my biggest fear, is that he will never ask me again, because i would say yes, in a heartbeat if he did. I also don't like knowing i hurt his feelings.

I look at him now, sitting on the bed, tying his shoes, then lazily putting on his watch.

He has a whole bunch of expensive wrist watches in his closet drawer, but he only ever wears that same one, everyday. The same watch i gifted him, and the same wallet too. Every single day.

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