Chapter 29 - Trust

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Angelo's POV

I get off the phone with Kyan and look at Nick who was just giving instructions to our driver on where to go next.

"There is a small change in the location of the meeting. Let's meet at 'Sarovar Premiere' instead." i say and he frowns.

"Why? we already have a reservation at Neelkanth Tower"

"Just cancel it, I will do it myself if you want" i offer.

"But why the change at the last minute, now we have to...."

"Nick relax. It's not a big deal. It's just a location change. Roan will reserve a table for us, and we are picking up the guys anyway" i pat him on the shoulder and enter the limousine before he asks me anymore questions.

We sit in the car in silence, i can tell he is annoyed but he doesn't say anything and i am glad for it. I don't feel like talking. I just want to get this day over with already.

We arrive at the restaurant after picking up our associates and Roan, the restaurant manager meets with us as soon as enter the building.

As we exchange greetings and discuss the sitting arrangement, my eyes scan the place. Kyan assured me she was here.

Finally, i think i spot her silhouette, she has her back to me but i am sure it's her, immediately i feel annoyed with her.

She honestly had the guts to make casual dinner plans while i have been going batshit crazy all day.

How could she be so inconsiderate?

Nick follows my line of sight.

"Don't" i say under my breathe and he smirks, shaking his head a little in realization.

I look at her table again, her companion, an older woman i haven't seen her with before is looking back at us after having noticed us staring.

She says something, and Marianne turns her head. She glances over at us until our eyes meet.

There you are! My uncertainty cleared.

But she turns away quickly with not so much of a smile or nod in acknowledgement.

Her action makes me feel like a stranger, if i didn't know better, i would swear it wasn't her.

My thumb on my right hand turns over the ring on the middle finger on the same hand, an action i do when i am anxious.

This is not where or how i wanted our encouter to be today, but this is what i have to work with, i guess.

"Your table is this way"

"Excuse me for a moment gentlemen, i will join you shortly" I say.

I don't want to offer too much of an explaination because Thomas Meraki, one of the men here is a shady businessman and the last person i want knowing my personal business.

But Nick gets it, and i know he will keep them occupied to cover my brief absence.

I will just say hai to her real quick and let her know, i will see her later. Perhaps i can even have my guy take them home after their dinner, he can drop off her companion where she needs to go and her at my apartment.

I walk towards the pair and notice the woman's resemblance to her.

Same hair color, jawline, eyes too.

As i draw near, the woman looks away, arranging her napkin on her lap as if we were not having a stare down just moments ago.

It's her mother, it has to be.

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