Chapter 26 - Kryptonite

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I wake up surrounded by warmth. Soft, warm limbs tangled up with mine.

I sit up carefully, so not to wake the sleeping beauty lying in bed next to me.

I look down at her, her shirt has risen far above her waist, probably because of my hands that i had wrapped around to feel the skin on her torso. Her soft and silky skin bared for me to see. She has such smooth soft skin, too soft, almost in a delicate kind of way, but it makes me want to touch her all the time.

She looks peaceful, breathing softly, like an angel, an angel that came into my life to change me, to make it better, to give me hope and a future.

I love watching her, all the time, anytime, anywhere, i can look at her all day. I feel so lucky to have her as mine.

I loved watching her walk into the apartment earlier, like she has lived here for years, she looked great in the kitchen too, completely at home, and she looks even better now in this bed.

I can't imagine what i will do if she refuses to come and live here with me.


Looks like i got some good hours of sleep. I feel rested. Finally.

I decide to squeeze in a quick workout while she is still asleep, so quietly, so not to wake her up, i get up and go to my home gym down the hall.

Thirty minutes later, i grab my watch and switch off the alarm i had set, glad to have worked up a good sweat in such a short period of time.

Exercising relaxes me, it clears my mind and leaves me energised and rejuvenated.

With a spring in my step, i walk back to bedroom.

She is still asleep when i walk into the bedroom and i am glad she has had some good rest too. I need her well rested for what i have in mind, but first i need to hit the shower.

When i come out a few minutes later, she is sitting on the bed, looking a little sheepish from the sleep that is still evident in her eyes.

"Hai baby" i murmur, pulling the towel tied around my waist off to dry my hair further, when i feel drops of water fall on my face and shoulders.

She stares and blushes at the sight. Typical of her.

How many times, do we have to make love before she gets used to seeing my nakeness?

"Hai" she responds, looking elsewhere.

"Did you sleep well?" i walk to the edge of the bed, closer to her.

"Mmhhhm," she replies, looking up and trying to keep her eyes above my shoulder level.

"Next to you? fantastic as always" I respond honestly, earning me a wide smile, her lip pulling between her teeth.

"You've been awake long" i ask.

"A little, woke up just when you started to shower"

"Why didn't you join me?" i ask. It would have been great. We haven't showered together yet and i look forward to the experience.

Infact, there are so many things i can't wait for us to share together, if only she can say yes already. We will have such a great time, a great life together, i just know it.

She shifts uncomfortably on the bed and i smirk, enjoying her unease at my closeness right now. She is trying hard not to look down.

"Uhhmm, i will join you next time"she says softly.

She finally drops her eyes and looks down at my body. Her shyness turning me on even more than i expected and my body reacts, the evidence of my arousal starting to rise to attention.

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