Chapter 46 - Mothering

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Marianne's POV

Ignoring Angelo's sulky face i start to say goodbye to everyone. I need to leave now if i am going to be there before dark. Plus i have to pass through the apartment to get my things first.

"C'mon, let's go" I say to Angelo, when i am done saying goodbye.

"I just arrived." He mutters, stalling.

"Ok, Marco can you give me a lift back to the apartment please?" I ask, as i turn to face him.

Marco looks at Angelo instead, who turns to glare back at him.

"Sure, no problem" Marco grins at Angelo, then at me.

Angelo huffs in annoyance, then stands up. He walks to the car and I take that as my cue to follow. I turn back and wave at the kids one last time.

"What about the kids?" I asks as he stands aside after opening the door for me.

I don't know who brought them here because they were already here when i arrived with Marco who came to pick me up. He was with Aaron at the time, but he left shortly after arriving.

"Someone is on their way to pick them up and take them home." He says getting comfortable in the car besides me, his face a complete scowl.

"Stop making me feel so bad...." I say to him.

Instead of starting the car he turns to me.

"I thought you'ld want to spend some time together after how crazy it has been lately." He says heatedly to me.

"I do. But i didn't even know you would coming back home today" I say in defence.

"You also didn't have plans to travel today either." He rebuttals.

"It just came up. And i am trying to accommodate everyone" I murmur.

" You didn't even tell me you had plans to go to Milford this weekend"

"Because we haven't had proper time to talk recently"

"Exactly my point. Baby, if you really must go, can't you wait one night. I was really looking forward to finally spending some time with you today. Please, just one night" He murmurs softly, taking my hand.

"I already promised Jaden and Mom i would go today."

When i called Mom to tell her about the new development, she suggested i stop by any day before the trip even if it's only for one day, and i told her i would go tomorrow. But then insisted to talk to me and he said he had a gig over the weekend that he was really looking forward to having me attend, but since i can't come, he has another one tonight that he would like for me to attend instead.

So i said yes.

I explain that to Angelo and he sighs in defeat and starts the car.

When we arrive at the apartment, i quickly rush upstairs so i can pack some clothes, as Angelo follows slowly behind me.

I open the bedroom door and the sight that befalls me surprises me.

The bedroom floor as well as the bed is covered in flower petals. On the bed there is also a very nice flower arrangement done on top, and at the center, is a nicely wrapped gift bag.

I stand staring at the rest of the room which has unlit candles everywhere, that i am sure he planned to light up later tonight.

"I thought that maybe you and i could have a special evening tonight, in respect of everything that's happened lately." Angelo murmurs, as he comes to stand behind me.

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