Chapter 21- My Girl

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I stare at Marianne in disbelief, her tight ponytail swaying as she moves hastily towards the stairs.

She is actually leaving, leaving me sitting here like this.

I don't know whether to laugh or get mad at this girl's audacity.

"Angelo, fancy seeing you here" i hear Alana say and i finally turn my heard breaking out of my trance to find her grinning at me.

I look passed her at her twin, who is bearing a similar facial expression. I sigh and sit back in my chair.

"What are you two doing here?"

"Oh, we came here for lunch and just randomly saw you sitting here, small world" Alana pats her eyelashes at me. I glare back, unconvinced.

"Ok, we came to meet your new girlfriend" Alana admits.

"She is not his girlfriend" Alexis frowns. Lexi was Claire and I's biggest cheer leader. She is never accepting of any possible serious relationship with anyone else.

I lower my head and massage my temples, feeling a headache coming.

"How did you know where to find me?"

"We called Philip at the office, since you know, you are not picking up your phone, he said you were working from home today, but that you were not likely to be there right now because he made a reservation for you for a lunch appointment for two" Lexi utters, emphasising the "two" by raising up her dueces.

"I ought to fire him" I grunt.

"So where is she?" Lexi asks, looking around.

"Where is who? As you can see, i am alone"

"Yeah, with two plates of food?" Lana drawls.

"I was craving for diffirent things." i say, just as the waiter comes back this the bill.

"Seriously though, where is she?" Lana utters

"Thanks" i say, standing up after the bill is settled.

"Or did you ask her to leave because you didn't want us to meet her" Lexi asks in an accusing manner.

"Yes, because i knew you were coming." I say sarcastically, walking out of the eatery with my sisters in tow.

As soon as we get outside, i scan the area, half hoping i will see Marianne by some corner somewhere waiting for me, but i don't.

As we walk to my car, i can hear my sisters talking but my mind is busy, i am almost convinced she will be by the car, but again she is not.

I really can't believe this..... She Actually. Fucking. Left.

"Are you listening? Who are you looking for" Lexi asks frowning.

"No one...look, how did you two get here, because can only carry one of you with me." i say and Lexi frowns.

"I have somewhere i need to go on my own, don't worry" She says right away and kisses my cheek before walking alway to her car muttering.

'Just wasted my time coming here. Now i am late for nothing.'

I turn to Lana and she smiles at me. Well, atleast i get to deal with the less temperamental of the two.

I smile back as i open the door for her, forcing all thoughts of Marianne out of my head for now.

"Thank you" She says in her usual sweet voice.

Alana, soft natured and shy. Somewhat the more quiet of the two. She hates conflict and gets uncomfortable easily. She is alot like my mother actually. Which means she is also kind and generous, and very earger to please, something lexi likes to take full advantage of every chance she gets.

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