Chapter 42 - Love Me Or Leave Me

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Angelo's POV

It's Sunday and i realise as i stare out of the window of my office, that the weather looks to be perfect for outdoor activities. I initially had the intent to go over more rehab works at my house with the guys this morning, but my plans have changed.

I have been up for a while now. After spending an hour and a half working out, i quietly showered and changed without waking Marianne up before coming back here to my office.

I walk back to my desk and shuffle through the documents to see what i can get done now to pass the time. I want something to temporarily keep my mind busy, distracted.

But after a few minutes of forced concentration, i pick my phone up and open the gallery.

I swipe through the pictures again and linger on the ones i received last night of Marianne at O'hagans Irish pub, which was such a surprise because i didn't even know she had plans to go out last night.

For the most part of my evening, i felt guilty about leaving her to spend the night alone, only to see later receive these pictures.

Eli later informed me after questioning him, that she was in a group, but the sender deliberately sent me pictures of her sitting at a table alone with some guy, who i now know to be Gregory Kiriakis, and more pictures of her dancing.

She looks happy, carefree, but my eyes are zoomed in on her outfit, which i find to be ill-suited for the occasion.

I swipe through the rest of the pictures, the source of which i find even more disturbing than her choice of wardrobe.

Max was there last night at the pub and sent me the pictures with a caption 'Small world, Look who i ran into... sexy girl'. It fucked up my mood but luckily the event was almost over at the time.

The thought of Max ogling her all evening in her barely there outfit, while his sister decided to make an unexpected appearance with their father at the ball got my blood boiling.

Even worse, the thought of these pictures sitting in Max's phone for his viewing makes me want to smash something, anything.

She shouldn't have gone to such a place without me anyway, i seethe.

And the fact that Max is fully aware of my relationship with her doesn't sit very well with me either, despite what i am doing for their family, he is reckless, unpredictable and untrustworthy and i don't know what he might do with that information. I need to keep him and the rest of his family as far away from my personal life as soon as possible.

Now feeling far too worked up to be productive, i make my way back upstairs to Marianne.

She is not in bed when i get into the room, so i walk to the bathroom, where i find her standing infront of the vanity.

"Good morning" I murmur, standing behind her, and confining her between myself and the vanity.

"Good morning" she says softly, meeting my eyes through the mirror.

"Did you sleep well, what did you dream about?" I ask, pushing some hair away from her face and neck, and tucking it behind her ear, and then staring into her blue eyes that are still laced with sleep.

She blushes, obviously not expecting my actions, especially on the note that we seperated on last night.

"I did, you?"she whispers, looking down.

Thinking about Max has got me feeling very possessive and protective.

"It was ok" i mumble, my hands going around her waist and inside her tshirt, leaving her exposed on her lower half.

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