Chapter 37 - Hurt Lovers

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Angelo's POV

I leave Marianne in the kitchen, and find Ben waiting for me so we could get into the elevator.

"Look, i was..."

"Save it....i am not interested in whatever you have to say" I snap.

We should have all left my apartment over an hour ago, but we delayed because i wanted to meet Marianne here first, to see how she was taking the news.

I knew it wouldn't be good,but seeing it on her face, the hurt, the disappointment, i was not prepared for that.

It should not have happened this way, this is not how i wanted her to find out.

I regret not seizing the opportunity the other day and told her everything while i had the chance to do it myself.

Now i have lost my credibility and opportunity to show my sincerity over the matter.

Sitting in the car, i stare out the window and think of all the possible ways this would have turned out, and realise, any way i look at it, this was a really difficult position to be in anyway and someone was going to get hurt.

I just wish it didn't have to be Marianne who in addition, turned out to be blindsided on top of it all.

At our destination, we find the family gathered in the lounge, Claire inclusive.

I approach her.

"Did you do this?" I ask, my nose flaring as i focus my attention on her.

"Oh, you are talking to me now? I thought the thousand phone calls i made to you that you ignored were a sign you and i are not on speaking terms.

"Cut the bullshit, i am not in the mood, do you think this is a joke?" I grunt.

"I don't know what you are talking about, i am just as surprised as you are by this" she glares.

From the years we had been together, i could tell when she was lying, and right now, she is not, unless she suddenly become a good actress in addition to her modeling career.

Which means that this was Richmond or better yet, Max's doing.

"Angelo, let's just get down to business shall we........."Richmond addresses me, as if it's business as usual.

"How the hell did this happen? We had an agreement, you gave me your word" I snap.

"Look...." He says.

"This was the one thing i asked from you, my one fucking condition, and one day into the trial you decide to screw me over?'

"No one is screwing anyone over, after the trial begins, we all knew that this would be a possibility" Dad utters.

I turn to glare at him.

"This did not happen as a result of the trial because it was not part of the court documents. Your deal with Meraki is not why he was arrested in the first place.....Only and only when it is proved that he is guilty would they probe into his other businesses and properties, then this would come out.......someone deliberately tipped someone off and told them were to look.

"Angelo, calm down" Ben mutters, trying to halt my runt.

"It could have been anyone"Max mutters, sitting on the chair with his legs crossed, a glass of bourbon in his hand.

"One more word from you and you won't live long enough to make it to trial" I promise him, as the room goes completely silent.

"Listen, I don't know how you can be so sure it's us, it could have been someone from your side" Richmond mutters.

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