Chapter 41 - Needy, Proud and Committed

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Marianne's POV

After leaving Angelo, i go down stairs and join mom again. She has decided to head back home this evening and there is nothing i say to convince her otherwise.

After a few minutes of back and forth, i give up and we decide to leave for the bus station as soon as Angelo leaves for his program.

Shortly after our discussion, Angelo comes downstairs into the living room, dressed and ready to go.

He looks dapper in his black tuxedo and bow tie and hair neatly sleeked backwards. He is definitely a vision for sore eyes.

He stands by the door with one hand in his pocket.

I stare, in complete awe of him, as his eyes hold mine for a second.

"I will be going now, you ladies enjoy your evening" he drawls.

"Thank you, you have a good evening aswell, however, i am just leaving too now, i should be getting back home tonight" Mom murmurs.

'Tonight? Isn't it a bit too late to travel now?" Angelo asks, his eyebrows drawing together in disapproving lines.

I thought so too but she refused to stay here and said there was no point in staying at a hotel either.

"Not really, the last bus leaves at 6:30 pm, so i will make it." Mum responds.

"I don't think that's right, there is plenty of room here, but if you prefer, i am sure we can make another suitable arrangement for you for the night" he suggests.

I look between the two of them during this exchange.

"Thank you, but that won't be necesary."

"Well, if you insist on leaving today, then allow us to arrange appropriate transportation for you. We can arrange a flight for you and have someone take you to the airport" he utters.

I like that idea.

I look at mom.

"That's very generous of you, but...."

"I insist" Angelo's voice comes out hard and firm, i can tell he is getting annoyed and losing his patience, but he is trying to keep himself in line.

I bet he is not used to people defying or arguing with him this much, especially in the condenscending way mom is doing it, if she was anyone else, he would be biting their head off right now.

"You really shouldn't........." Mom mutters.

"Mom!...please" I say softly, pleading with my eyes to just drop it and accept.

I see where i get my stubborness from.

I know if i was still in my appartment, she would have spent the night, and left tomorrow, that was her initial intention. But since i am here now, and she won't, i would feel much better atleast, knowing she will get home faster and more comfortable instead of a four to five hour drive at night.

She looks at me and nods in resignation.

"Ok. Thank you very much" she gives Angelo a small smile.

He nods and walks out of the room.

I turn to her and give her a hard glare.

"What? until he cleans up his act, i am not obligated to play nice....besides, i have no problem taking the bus, i have done it all my life" she grumbles, sitting down.

I sigh.

I realise mom keeps finding more and more reasons to dislike Angelo, and that she is trying to hold back from expressing how she really feels about him to him for my sake, however, that resolve keeps cracking the more time they spend around each other and i bet, if i had not stopped her at the end, she would have probably gone off on him somehow.

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