Chapter 22 - Little things

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Marianne sits across from me, at the footend of the bed, her head raised on a bunch of pillows, dressed in a dark blue sweatshirt i gave her from my closet, which she accepted but not before reminding me.....

'I thought you said you don't want me wearing somebody else's clothes'

I stare at her, confused for a second, then i recall the incidence with the little black dress and frown.

'Just take it' i hold the shirt towards her.

'Ever' she recounts.

'Marianne!!' I growl and she finally takes it with a smile.

'Hypocrite' She mumbles under her breathe.

'I heard that....Only mine. You can only ever wear mine'

"So, tell me something about you that will surprise me, something personal" i ask her, after an hour or so of discussing politics and basically disagreeing on everything about it.

I have my back against the head board, my fingers playing with her toes on my lap.

She wrinkles her nose thoughtfully.

"What would surprise you? lets see.....uuhhmm....Oh, can you believe i was a cheerleader back in highschool" she grins.

"No way"

"Don't look so surprised" she pouts and i laugh.

"I am serious. What's so funny?" she tries to pull her feet from my lap and i grip her ankles tighter as i laugh more.

"Well you are not exactly cheer material, don't get me wrong, you have the body and face, but you are not exactly oozing with pep and team spirit" i can't help but laugh at the image of her in a cheerleaders outfit with pompoms.

"Well, i was, seriously" she frowns.

"If you say so babe...This is quite a surprise, i bet you hated it.... Maybe stood at the back of the group?" i poke fun at her.

Sudenly, she stands up on the bed, and drops down with a full split.

"I can also do cartwheels and backflips, with a full twist." She says sitting properly.

"Whoa, you had that in you this whole time" i beam at her flexibility.

Will this girl ever stop surprising me?

"I think I would have liked cheerleader Mary" I jest.

" Hey, cheerleader Mary would have been a minor to you at the time" She laughs.

"Sounds like you had the perfect teenage dream"

"Well, not so much" She frowns.

" Why? I thought cheerleaders are the epitome of the teenage dream" I ask, noticing how her face has lost color.

"Well, i..uhhmm, kind of did something that changed alot of things back then" she murmurs sadly.

"What did you do?" i try to sound as casual as i possibly can, hoping i don't desuade her from telling me more.

She looks at me thoughtfully and i smile back.

"Well, during my final year, there was this guy that i really liked. He was one of the star players on the football team. I had had a crush on him for the longest time, until he kind of started to notice me. We started texting and hanging out for a couple of months and i thought he really liked me.

And then he wanted to.....take things to the next level, you know, have sex, but i wasn't ready, i had never been with anyone before and even though i liked him alot, it just didn't feel right yet. So when i couldn't do that, he started asking for some...uhhmm sexy pictures..i thought it was a good compromise....and so we started to exchange pictures every day" She looks up from her fingers and i smile, encouraging her to continues, but all the while, feeling my nerves tightening up.

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