Chapter 31 - No Way To Compromise

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Marianne's POV

Pick My Poison...........🥀

My Heart Or You........💕💕

Caught Between Love And A Hard Place.................💘

Something to think about.....💭

I stare at the file for what feels like hours, and then i remember him going berserk the other day, because i listened to Stephanie talk about his past.

I didn't go snooping around or asking questions, she offered that information to me willingly, perhaps even without any ill intent, but he still got so mad at me that he scolded me, at this parents house.

And yet, he went behind my back to do this!

How can he be such a hypocrite, and even worse, invade my privacy to such a level.

He lied to me.

Why would he investigate me like i was some kind of criminal and pretend like he is hearing everything for the first time when i share things with him?

What kind of person does that?

I stand up and look at the file again, leaving it open on top of his desk, i walk out of the office.

He didn't just have information about me, but everyone around me. How did he even manage to gather such personal information?

How long has he had it?

And what does he plan to do with it all?

I walk into the bedroom and sit down, not knowing what to think, or do.

I think about mom and our conversation this morning and wonder if maybe she was right to show concern over our relationship now, despite her unreserved support last night at dinner.

'Eight? That is quite an age difference you have. Your father was only four years older than me, and sometimes, it felt like a lot' she chuckles, but i know she is serious.

'Yeah, but it doesn't really feel like alot when we are together' i respond defensively.

Honestly, i have never really thought it was a source of concern. Infact, i always thought, in terms of maturity, Angelo and i were evenly matched.

Plus i kind of love our age difference.

'You couldn't possibly, not when your relationship is still new, the physical attraction is high, and you are both just basically floating in the clouds with no grip on reality.

But eventually, the dust settles, and it catches up that you are in two different places in life. You clearly have opposing backgrounds and style of life and probably want different things at the moment...and after last night's incident, i must admit, i am a little concerned about the environment you are in" she says over breakfast.

She stops talking when she sees the pained look on my face.

"Arie, i am not trying to discourage you, i just want you to be careful and really think about what you are doing and getting yourself into. Think about what you want and how you picture your future and if he is the type of man that fits in your vision......

And i am not saying it can't work, just that you will need to make alot of sacrifices to overcome the obvious differences and challenges.

But lf this is really what you want, then i will support you and will wish you both the very best' she adds, taking my hand.

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