Chapter 24 - Fight The Bad Feeling

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As we approach who i assume to be Angelo's family, i soon realise that this is not just 'a little girl's birthday party', because there are more people outside near the pool and it looks like a full on party.

Immediately though, i recognise Alana towards a smaller group where Lora seems to be taking me.

"Here we are, everyone.... this is Marianne.....Marianne Wright...She is here with Angelo" Lora announces when we reach them.

"Oh my God! you came" Lana shouts.

She stands up, and comes to hug me.

"Hai" i smile, hugging her back.

"Wait, you two have met already" Lora asks, looking between us.

"Yeah, we had breakfast together at Angelo's apartment this morning with Lexi aswell." She grins.

"Ohh, at his apartment? ohh, ok" she utters in surprise.

"Well, this is Stephanie, Bella and Ivan's mother and also Ben's wife" She points at them and i remember him from the other night in the car.

"Hello" I say nervously to both of them. I can't believe Angelo is letting me meet his family on my own.

"Hi Marianne, good to see you again" Benjamin mutters lowly.

"Where is Angelo?" he adds.

"Right here" Angelo's voice echoes from behind me and I feel my heart relax as his hand wraps around my waist.

We sit down to chat with his family, and avoid the larger crowd, but several people from the party still come up for a brief chat before making their way back, and leaving us alone again.

Ben and Stephanie are the ones who seem to have the job of entertaining the guests more, seeing as it's their daughters party.

Angelo's younger brother Andreas joins us too, and it's interesting to watch how they all interact with each other as they laugh and make jokes about each other.

"C'mon.... Let me show you around a little bit" Alana grabs my hand and pulls me away from Angelo's side, who has had his arm around my shoulder this whole time.

"Don't take too long" Angelo murmurs as we walk away and i give him an eye roll.

Alana introduces me to some people along the way, letting me know everyone here is a close family friend.
Soon enough, we make it to where the children are.

"You hair looks so pretty...What do you call this style?" Isabela asks, after a while, touching my braided ponytail as i sit down on the carpet with some kids.

"Thank you very much, it's just a braid, i did it myself actually" i confess.

"Really? You did this?" She asks, a look of total surprise on her face as if it's something extraordinary.

"Yes" i laugh.

"Can you do mine like that too?" she asks, coming to sit infront of me.

I look at her jet black curls that looks like a lot of time and energy had gone into creating the perfect hairdo.

"Your hair looks so beautiful aready, befitting of a princess like you" i utter.

"No, i don't like it. I want to do it like yours......please" She pouts.

I look at Alana and she smiles at me apologetically, not offering me any support.

"Uhhmm, well, why don't you go and ask your mom, if she says it's ok, then i will do it" i say and she breaks into a smile and runs off.

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