Chapter 63 - Let Somebody Go

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Marianne's POV

The next five days, i spend day and night with Marianne and the twins. I don't go home, except to shower and change. I practically live at the hospital. Spending my nights on the hospital chair next to her, but i am not complaining.

Everyday i have several meetings, in the waiting room next to their hospital room. Mostly about this case, but occasionally, about work. I am not sure when i will be able to get back to work fully, but i can already feel everyone slowly working me up to deal with more and more work stuff.

But today, we finally get to go home. Both Marianne and the twins have been cleared to go and i couldn't be happier, my body is longing to finally sleep in my bed again. But it will also be a chance for Marianne and i to be alone.

Here at the hospital, we were never short of visitors, one after the other, plus the medical stuff constantly coming in to check on her or the twins meant that we barely had any time for a private conversation. So that's something else i am really looking forward to.


I drop my window down as we drive home from the hospital. I close my eyes briefly and let the window blow on my face. Angelo is driving, and when i open my eyes, i see him look at me through the rare view mirror, his disapproval of my action evident.

"Just for minute" I murmur.

He nod and looks away, paying attention to the road again.

I turn to look out the window aswell. Sitting next to me, is Lana, her eyes glued to a book. Jade is in the passenger seat next to Angelo, busy on his phone. In The car behind us is AJ and Sam, along with Mom and Lora and the twins. There is a another car behind them, and another one infront of us with security in both.

I look up at the rear view mirror and see Angelo concentrating on the road. His elbow is pressed against the window, and his fingers are on his chin, his eyebrows furrowed, he looks to be deep in thought.

The last couple of days have been... taxing. I appreciate the fact that he stayed with me almost the whole time, but that didn't mean he wasn't busy. There was meeting after meeting, all day. And at night, he barely sleeps. Sometimes, i would wake up randomly in the middle of the night, and i would find him already awake. I hope things change when we get home.

As for what happened in the last six months, he doesn't want to talk too much about the details of his everyday life and after trying to push it for a while, i let it go. I imagine from his insomnia, that it wasn't too pleasant. So i really hope that being at home will help him get his guard down, and provide an atmosphere that will enable him to open up to me abit more.

When i look at the mirror again, this time, he looks back at me and smiles. I realise, he must have adjusted it just so he could see me clearly, the thought making me smile.

Walking into the house, i am pleasantly surprised to find the foyer and corridors, adorned with floors and balloons, and a 'Welcome home, Mommy, Luna and Leevi' sign on top. It reminds me of that time he travelled to Ukraine and had the whole bottom floor of our apartment decorated with floors and presents.

For the first time in months, the house actually feels like homey, especially with him around.

Angelo stands behind me, his arm across my shoulders as everyone claps and chants their welcome to all of us.

"Was this your idea?" I ask.

"What can i say, i am a very romantic guy" he says, and i laugh.

With most of our family here right now, there are plenty of hands to help with the twins, so i find that i have some free time and i look around for Angelo so i can spend it with him, but i don't see him anywhere.

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