Chapter 34 - No Promises

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Marianne's POV

As expected, Sam is right on time when he arrives to pick me up. Angelo and i didn't talk about it, but i assume he expects me stay at his place during his absence.

Which reminds me that i haven't given him my answer about moving in with him, but the way things have been going, it's more likely that i will live there. Angelo is sure acting like i already do.

As the lift goes up to his apartment, i imagine the loneliss awaiting me, honestly, i would have been better off at my apartment, where i atleast have Luke and the two of us can hang out every now and then like we always have.

The lift opens and Sam walks out first and opens the door for me, i follow behind, and suddenly see a few more people than i expected in the apartment. Immediately, Mario, approaches us, accompanied by a woman in a uniform.

"Good afternoon Ms Wright......" he utters.

"Good afternoon Mario....and it's Mary. Please, can everyone just call me Mary" i mutter, glacing at Sam too briefly.

"Eehh, this is Seline Deluca , she will be helping me out around the house. Mr Morreli requested to have someone to attend to you specifically on a daily basis now that you will be staying here permanently." He explains.

Permanently. The thought bounces in my head.

"Good afternoon Ma'am" Seline murmurs with a thick accent i can't quite identify.

"Mary, please" i say and she nods.

"Well, we are just about done making sure all your things from your apartment are settled in, however, there are a few things in the guest room that will require your guidance as to where you would like them to go" he says, looking at me expectantly.

I fold my arms over my chest, trying to make sense of what he just said.
I look at Sam briefly as if hoping for a clarification, but he looks back at me blankly.

I am guessing Angelo has had my things moved here, without discussing it with me first? again another decision made on my behalf.

"Excuse me" i murmur and rush upstairs to the bedroom.

Everything looks normal and so i walk into the closet. There i find that my clothes are hanging in the closet, my shoes too have been accommodated.

Honestly, i am surprised to find that there is even enough room in here for my things, because Angelo has got a massive load of clothes and shoes, far much more than mine or he needs in my opinion.

I open a few drawers and see that my underwear and vanity items have been accommodated too and blush at the thought of someone touching my personal things, but it's here.

He did it.

He moved me into his place before i could even officially say yes.

A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts.

"Come in" i shout, going towards the door.

"Ma'am...uhhm...Ms Mary, is everything to your satisfaction..? There are a few other personal things in the guest room that i will need for you to tell me where to put" Seline murmurs softly and i feel guilty for having left them all without saying something proper, probably giving them the impression i was displeased.

"Every thing looks fine, thank you."

She nods.

"What would you like for me to make for your dinner?" she asks.

Wow, this is real.

"Uhhmm, don't worry about it, i am not really hungry, i will just make a sandwich later when i get hungry" i reply.

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