Chapter 5 - Wonder

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Marianne's POV

I don't know who he thinks he is, bossing his way around and telling me what do to, i huff in annoyance as I make my way upstairs to the room I am sharing with Lu.

Walking to the mirror i stare at my reflection, and notice my flushed face.

Why does he get me so worked up with so little effort. He makes me feel so many things......anger, embarrassment, nervousness....and now something i can't quite describe or understand.

He has definately changed from how he behaved with me before, and i think i prefer the other guy, atleast i was able to understand my reaction to him, now am just comfused.

Touching my arm softly, i still feel the heat and tingles from when his hand held me.

My eyes travel down my body and i realise the clothes i have on. I wonder if he noticed my outfit today considering he made his disaproval about my 'inappropriate' dressing at Ally's party last time.

I hope they leave soon, so i can relax again.

Walking back downstairs i find Lu, Ally and Rita looking through a window into another room, trying to be conspicuous about it.

"What are we looking at" i ask upon reaching them and look into the room to see what they are looking at.

"Nick, Aaron and Angelo." Rita responds.

"They are not leaving??" i ask.

"They opted to watch the game from here after"Ally responds.

The three are in what appears to be a TV room that is ridiculously spacious. There is a football game on and i can see they are enjoying a few beers while watching.

They are laughing alot too, and making alot of commentary amongst themselves. I really don't understand why the girls are watching them from out here though.

Against my will, my eyes lock on Angelo. He has taken off his jacket now and looks more relaxed. I watch him listen and turn his head toward whom ever is talking at the time in between glacing at the massive TV, then starts talking himself and throws his head back in deep laughter at whatever someone else said. He looks good when he laughs, relaxed, likeable even.

" to Mary" Rita slaps my shoulder hard.

"Ooouch, what?. Did you have to hit me so hard?" i complain.

"I called your name twice. Who are you looking at?" Lu smiles mischievously.

"I was looking at what you guys where looking at"i mutter, rubbing my shoulder.

"Mmhhmm....You like him, right?"Lu states folding her hands over her chest, causing the others to focus on me and i feel myself turn red.

"Who? I don't know what you are talking about.

"The one you couldn't stop staring at 10 seconds ago, don't play dumb."

"Who was she staring at" Ally asks.

"Nobody, and stop it Lu" i mumble, wanting the ground to open up and swallow me already. How did this become about me.

"You were looking at Angelo specifically, right?" Rita supplies in agreement to whatever Lu is implying, to my utter mortification.

"What? No!" i deny quickly.

"Then what was that about? In the Kitchen"

"Nothing.....i was just....we were just...."


"What? are you out of your mind, why would we be flirting, we don't even know each other at all."

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