Chapter 53 - Time Out

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Marianne's POV

Oh my goodness!

I honestly can't believe that just happened.

And during the stir, in trying to get the car, Luke neglected to take his own car and got into this one with me, but fortunately, Sam offers to arrange someone to pick it up and drop it off at his apartment for him.

"Must be nice to have people do things for you like that huh?" he mutters and i shake my head at his sarcasm.

Looking out the window, with my heart on my chest, i feel my heartbeat start to calm down.

"It will pass right? I am literally the least interesting person i know, people will get bored and stop talking right" I ask Luke.

He is a journalist, he should know.

But he just shrugs in response.

So much for for wanting a quite life.

It's one thing for people to be interested in your life, and another for them to make distateful comments as if they have a right or know the whole truth.

I just hope this frenzy ends before school opens in the next two weeks, I would hate to imagine what that will be like.

Which also reminds of the the baby. I don't really know how that will work out. I don't want to be standing infront of a class my my belly grows, i wouldn't bare it. So i will have to stop work before i start showing, which is a shame because i love my work.

Then after the baby is born, i can start teaching again, if they will still have me, if not, i will find somewhere else to teach.

Angelo and i haven't discussed this part, and i will have to tell him my decision about it later.



"What are you thinking about?" Luke asks.

"Never mind" I murmur, then turn to give him my full attention.

At the airport, we find a not so busy Kiosk and find a sit at a corner, keeping to we wait for the plane to land.

Like usual, we quickly fall into our usual selves, talking and laughing about this and that.

"Do I have some amazing news to share with you."

"What news?"

"I wanted to wait until the official announcement is made, but a friend of mine knows someone at the academy and it turns out, that article I submitted that you wrote 'Beyond Boarder line", won first place in the ATC Journalism and Media award."

"No way"

"Yes way....they are making the office announcements on the winners tomorrow."

"Oh wow"

" are an amazing writer Mary...i am so proud of you" he says.

"So does the award come with a price"


"How much?"

"What do you care, you have a rich boyfriend now, and riding in expensive SUV's with bodyguards" he chuckles.

"Well like you said, he is the rich one, not me."

"Look, even though it hurts me to admit, I can see how much he cares for you. I doubt he is stupid enough to let you go."

Shortly after that, Eli comes up to us to tell us my family has arrived.

"Just to avoid any possible.....' incident', I will escort you to the car, and Sam will collect them and bring them there." He says seriously.

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