Chapter 43 - No Holds Barred

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Marianne's POV

I hang around with Luke long enough to have lunch with him before going back to the apartment. When i arrive, Ivan, Ben and Nick are in the foyer and are just about to leave.

I think about what Angelo told me earlier about why they are here and wonder what the conclusion of their discussion is, did they agree with him or talk him out of the annulment.

But despite my inner turmoil, i give them my best smile and try to be as polite as possible as we exchange greetings. They in turn, don't exhibit any awkwardness or ill feelings towards me. Ivan even asks me when i will come by the house again for a visit.

"By the way, tell this guy to get a hair cut, please" Ivan utters, motioning to Angelo's sort of ragged look.

I chuckle in response.

Angelo does look...different, the hair making him appear older even. He has allowed it to keep growing, including his beard and moustache, but i find myself getting increasingly attracted to his new look. But i am not going to tell him that, atleast for now.

He walks forward with Nick until they are standing with us.

As everyone walks out of the apartment, i linger by the door until Angelo sees me, then walks back towards me.

"I am going out for a while too, i will see you later" he murmurs.

"I thought you and i were going to talk" I say softly, looking up at him expectantly.

"I know, and we will, but later" he says simply, half turning away, as if i am delaying him.

I have been anxious all day....I don't think i can wait any longer, how can he?

"But i want to talk now!" I say indignantly.

"We will, but i need to be somewhere else right now, I can't be late" he says with finality.

"Where are you even going that's so important?" I mutter.

His right eyebrow lifts up abit in opposition to my assertiveness, but i hold my ground and fold my arms over my chest.

He asked me where i was going earlier and i told him, not that it would have even made a difference if I hadn't, because he always knows where i am, thanks to his security team.

"I have a......thing to takecare of" he says, surpressing a smirk.

He clears his throat and his face becomes serious again.

"A thing, what thing?"

"Hey, are you coming or what?" Nick asks, as he peers his head through the open door of the elevator.

Angelo straightens up.

"Something i need to take care of. We will talk later,i promise" he says over his shoulder and entes the lift without looking back.

What can be more important than discussing our relationship? He is so annoying.

I walk back into the apartment, wondering how to keep my self busy for the rest of the afternoon while i wait for him.


Hours later, and Angelo returns home. It's somewhere past 8pm now after having left home shortly after lunch, so i am now I am more mad, feeling like we are already an old bickering couple.

When he walks into the room, i am having dinner in the kitchen, after just having given up on waiting for him to come back so we could eat together.

"Hey" he murmurs, standing opposite me.

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