Chapter 16 - About Last Night

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After Angelo leaves, I walk back to my bed as if in a trance and try to fall back asleep. I know my alarm will ring soon, but just want to use up whatever little time i have left to rest my exhausted body.

In what feels like only five minutes later, the alarm goes off, breaking my slumber for the second time today.

Why couldn't today be Saturday? I frown.

I pull the covers tighter around me and look up at the ceiling for a minute, reminiscing last nights activities and i can't help the deep blush that appears on my face.

Angelo and i had sex! Repeatedly.

I close my eyes for a second and snippets of how it happened come at fast, forcing me to open my eyes quickly and get up off the bed hoping to stop the memories from playing out.

But as if the memories are not enough, the soreness between my legs and general muscle tenderness especially with my inner thighs, is enough to remind me that last night actually happened.

I don't regret it or anything, I just don't know what it means for us now. Where do we go from here?

And have my feelings for him changed from loathing to...what? I don't want to be that girl that suddenly clings to a man just because they had sex. I know that he is attacted to me and all, but i don't think he is about the relationship life, and quite frankly, i don't want that either, it would never work with him anyway.

Last night was great, but i am sure he will probably move on now and it's for the best. I don't need to spend more time with him and risk getting attached and end up getting my feelings hurt.


Work is going great today, i also find myself getting extra chatty with Rachel and a few other colleagues just to distract myself from thinking about Angelo. I seriously need to get it together.

A few minutes into my lunch at a restaurant close to the school, i get a call from Rita.

'Hey you, how are you' i answer into the phone, unable to move away from the table because i am sitting next to the window with two people on my other side.

'Where are you? I am at your school and you are not here?'

'Well, it's lunch time, i am at Tiffany's, it's a restaurant a few blocks down the street.' i reply, earning me some attention from the others at our table who have now become curious about my phone call.

'Oh, are you with Angelo?' she asks curiously and i blush at the question.

'No, i am with my colleagues'

'Ok, well, i wanted to see you, can i come?'

'Uhhmm, sure, it's down the street to your left, you won't miss it' i say, hanging up.

"Who was that?" Rachel asks curiously.

"Just a friend that came by the school to see me. She is coming over here, if you guys don't mind" i announce, and they all shrug in approval, returning to our previous conversations.

Rita arrives ten minutes later and i introduce her to them.

"Join us" Ryan offers, moving over in the booth to make room for her.

"Thanks" she smiles, and like a true sport, sits down to join us throughout the rest of the meal making light conversation with everyone.

"Come, ride with me, i will leave you at the school" She suggests, when we are all ready to leave.

"So, what happened last night" she finally asks, as we drive the short distance back.

"What do you mean?" i try to play coy.

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