Chapter 48 - Expeditions

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Marianne's POV

I turn back to look at Angelo as i make my way to everyone else and find that he is looking at me, and i know right away this conversation isn't over.

But it can't be right, can it? It was just over twenty four hours when i took the pill and i am sure it has a seventy two hours timeline within which it's effective, so it must have worked just fine. Plus i got the injection not so long afterwards, which means i should be safe.

I spot the girls and walk towards them.

I can't believe Angelo just ambushed me with that question like that. Now the thought is firmly planted in my head to haunt me for the rest of the day, much less the vacation.

He is so damn observant, it's annoying.

But i must admit that the possibility did cross my own mind once or twice before, but i thought it was far-fetched, and managed to brush it off, but now hearing it from Angelo has just refreshed and magnified my suspicions.

Now that i think about it more critically, my body is sort of behaving a little more differently than usual. But again, i was almost perfectly normal before i did the workouts with Jade, so it could be just that.

I look down at my 'spilling boobs' as he put it and frown. They do always get larger and tender prior to my periods, same with my body temperature, so that's not new.

"Hey, earth to Mary! What's up?" Ally asks.

I smile.

"Nothing much, just something Angelo said that caught my attention, but it can wait..."I murmur, pushing the thoughts to the back of my mind..for now.

"So where are we going today?" I ask, changing the subject.

"We going on an expedition, taking a tour around the town" Angelo says, walking towards us along with the other guys.

"Ohh, what do we need to carry? Swim suits, a change of clothes or........" Sienna asks.

"Not this time, maybe just a camera, comfortable shoes and refreshments....we can have more serious activities tomorrow....." Nick explains.

"But if you want, you can go swimming later at night, that will work." Aarons suggests, noticing the slight dissapointment on her face.

"Ok, well, i am going to change my shoes" I murmur.

"Me too" somebody else echoes.

I turn to leave and notice Angelo is standing still.

"You are not coming?" I ask him.

"No, i am good" he utters, folding his arms over his chest.

I honestly expected him to want to go with me to the room.

"Oh, ok" I say.

"Fifteen minutes back here in fifteen minutes" Nick shouts over at everyone of us.

In the room, i gather a sunhat, a scalf, a light material throw over and a polaroid camera and put them in my bag along with some sun screen and sunglasses. Angelo and i had agreed to keep our phones off for atleast a week so not to allow any distraction or disturbances, unless it was absolutely necesary, in which case they can do so through Andre, so there is no need for me to carry my phone.

I then grab the suitcase and pull out a pair of white snickers and also a pair of dark brownish-gold strappy thigh high gladiator sandles, and closely survey them to see which one of the two to wear.

"The brown ones" Angelo murmurs, as he closes the door behind him softly.

I didn't even hear him come in.

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