Chapter 57 - Entangled

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Marianne's POV

"Honey, are you alright" I recognize Mom's voice.

I don't answer, but sniff and wipe away the tears from my face with my fingers, then i look up and see her standing there, with Nick behind her.

Nick steps forward and extends his hand for me to take. I grab it and stand up.

"Look, you don't have to be down here. Go upstairs and get some rest, and...."

"No, it's ok....i am fine" I straighten up and walk passed him and mom and back into the living room.

I want to hear everything that's going on and i know it will be impossible for me to relax and sleep until i know he is ok.

By mid morning, the house is full of all kinds of people.

All of Angelo's family are here, with Ivan and Alexis the most mad, that i didn't tell them sooner that he was missing. Mario and Selene are here too now, helping around the house, the other house workers, have been asked to leave today.

Nick had to go, but Ally is still here and a whole lot off security personal that i assume is a combination of Nick and Angelo's people, as well as law enforcement officers.

Two that are spear heading this case are with me now, to get an official statement. There are others also getting statements from almost everyone here since they were here when Angelo was last seen here yesterday. So it's kind of a crazy scenerio going on in the house and it feels surreal that this is even happening.

My questioning takes longer and generally feels more intricate than anyone else's.

"Is it a normal thing for him to move without security?" The officer who introduced himself as Detective Dawson asks.

He looks to be in his late thirties, tall, with light brown hair with some grey on his temples. He looks agile, fit and abit mascular. He definitely has the look of a cop. He also seems to know the family at a personal level.

"No. No recently."

"Then do you know why he left alone and left his team this time." He asks.

"I had suggested we give the guys the rest of the day off halfway through the day, so they were not here when he left" I say.

"So it was your idea to get rid of your security?"

"We did not 'get rid' of them, we gave them a day off" I mutter.

Something in the way he says it makes me feel uncomfortable.

"It was Saturday, we had a party and no plans of going out later. They was no need to keep them here at the time" I add, glaring at him.

"Calm down, miss Wright, I just want to get the whole picture" he says, as he writes some things down.

I don't like this particular cop. He is coming off very condescending, as if he wants to accuse me of something.

"Enough with the questions, you guys have been at it the whole morning, asking her the same damn questions, give her a break already" Andre utters angrily.

"That will be all for now" detective Dawson says, looking at Andre over his notepad and walking away, while signaling for his colleagues to do the same.

I really can't believe any of this is even real. I just want to see my Angelo walk through the door and make this nightmare dissapear.

Looking at the crowded room, i feel the tears sting my eyes, but i refuse to let them fall infront of everyone, so i blink them away and pull myself together.

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