Chapter 20 - FeeL LovE AgaiN

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I can't help the grin on my face thinking about the look on Marianne's face, as i drive out of the school yard. I don't think there was ever a time when a girl was ashamed to be seen with me. Ever. This is new to me. She is definitely a strange girl.

I spend the twenty minutes commute back to my apartment on the phone taking care of work and business. Atleast with me going against the flow of traffic, the drive is smooth and uninterrupted.

Hanging up another phone call, i think about why Marianne does not want to drive. I know at the very least, she can afford a decent car, which would sure make movements a whole lot easier for her, so why doesn't she?

When i brought it up earlier, the look on her face, begged me not to pursue the issue, which just reminded me of what Nick said the other night about her having been through alot of shit in the past.

I pick up my phone and dial Kyan's number again. I need an update on Eric. Plus i asked him to give me some information on Marianne a while ago, which i was actually reluctant to check out, that is until the now.

I need to know more about her life. I was waiting for her to open up to me but it doesn't look like it is going to happen anytime soon. Plus, it won't be the first time i did a background check on the woman i was involving myself with.

Then why does it feel so wrong this time.

"Hey, i was just about to call you" Kyan says on the other end of the connection.

"Talk to me"

"I think it's better if we meet in person" he mutters.

"Alright. Right now i am in traffic, but i will be working from home today, so should be there in the next five minutes. You will find me there."

"Got it" he hangs up.


A couple of hours later, he shows up with Nick.

Great, now i will never hear the end of this.

"What? You want me to give you two some privacy?" Nick snickers, when he looks at my face face when insee him, then he proceeds to sit on the edge of the desk in my home office, as he opens up a packet of Doritos, with a pop sound.

"Go on" i sigh, and nod at Kyan, ignoring him.

"Here you go" he says, handing me a file with Eric's information.

"The boy is clean, just finished high school but decided to take a gap year, he has too much time on his hands, no job, but his parents are loaded and pay all his expenses.

Infact, his father sits on the board of the school Miss Wrights works at. Basically, except for the fact that he is a spoiled egoistic kid, there is not much to go off on." Kyan summarises.

"Right, except for the fact that he is harrassing and trying to force himself on Marianne" i scoff.

" Wait what?" Nick sits up straight.

I tell him everything Marianne has told me.

"I imagine you don't want to involve the police" Nick asks rhetorically.

"No, that will be too easy, besides, right now, there isn't much proof to stick it to him good and his father will probably come to the rescue with nothing more that a pat on the back. I need something else that will teach him a good lesson" i say.

"Call Brady, at the police station, he owes me a couple of favors." i say to Kyan.

"I thought you might say that, so i already did." Kyan says.

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