Chapter 59 - Love Takes Two

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A/N: One last time 👆👆👆

Angelo's POV

I stare at the figure standing in front of me, then laugh, almost hysterically in disbelief.

And to think i thought she was too dumb to try something like this.

"You!!" I say, almost too stunned to actually believe what i am seeing.

"This is your doing?" I hiss.

"Ange......" She starts.

"You stupid, foolish imbecile" I growl.

"Angelo......." She murmurs.

"What the hell is this?" I ask, feeling my chest burn with anger.

She stares back at me without a response.

"Take this off of me right now!" I roar, raising my arm to indicate the chain.

She continues to stand there at the door, her fingers gripping the frame, a wide-eyed look on her face.

"Get this fucking chain off of me Claire. " I snarl, raising my hands up and down violently, not caring that the cast ring attached to my wrist is digging into my bruised flesh.

She takes a step back and starts to cry.

"I am sorry.....are you ok?" She mumbles.

"Do i look fucking ok?" I Snap, my chest rising up and down rapidly.

"I can't believe this......You did this, You did this to me?...Why?"

"Calm down will you....." She snaps back.

"You have me chained to a fucking wall like an animal and locked in a room for two weeks. How the hell do you expect me to calm down?" I grunt.

That causes her to walk out of the door swiftly, leaving it open, and me seething with anger.

I stare at the wide open door. It's too far for me to reach.

This is unbelievable...... Claire?



I guess it makes sense, only she can do something this stupid.

I almost want to laugh at the situation now.

I have been held prisoner by Claire, thee Claire?

I can picture the laugh on Nick's face when he discovers this, the bloody bastard should have found me already.

And i thought i was being held by some former clients, or people i have pissed off during my work, someone with the intention to kill me. I have been tormented by thoughts of never being able to see my family again, only to discover Claire is a part of this? I can't believe this.

I wonder who her accomplice is, is it her brother? her parents?


Why would they do this? Is it revenge for breaking off the marriage so suddenly and leaving them to fend off Meraki by themselves. But i commited to handle Meraki and i was doing just just....maybe they got impatient and doubted by intentions.

I can't believe this, Claire!

I gave her the benefit of the doubt and thought she wasn't capable of doing anything to hurt me.....but i guess i was wrong....very wrong.

I fail to sit down again, but just stare at the door that looks like it leads to a corridor that seems to have better light than this room.

I feel just about ready to kill her, her and everyone else involved in this.

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