Chapter 64 - Illicit Affair

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Angelo's POV

A/N: Another long chapter.😃


We walk into Nick's house after a not so successful business negotiation. It's evening now and i should be getting home, but we decide to discuss the aftermath of our meeting here, seeing as it didn't go as planned and we need a plan B.

"Make yourself comfortable, i will be down in a second" he says, making his way upstairs to change into something comfortable, i presume.

I adjust my tie and collar to give myself room to breath better, this thing is making feel like i am suffocating.

"Fuck!" I mutter, pulling the tie off completely and opening the first few buttons of my shirt in the process.

I know i am taking out my fustration on the poor piece of material. This particular meeting was important, but it went to hell. Now we have to start restrategising and making new contacts, something i don't have the time for right now.

Nick is taking too long to come back, and i feel too restless to sit and wait, so i start walking around the house to kill time.

The door to the library is open and i find myself walking there. I stop at the door when i hear voices and look to where the sound is coming from. The thought comes to mind that i am probably intruding and should turn back and wait for Nick, but for some reason, i start to slowing walk into the room towards the voices.

I find the source of the fervent, but friendly chatter and stop dead in my tracks. Ally has company, and her companion makes my heart stop. Literally.

I grip the tie tighter in my hand as i look as the woman sitting across from her on the table facing me.

She is talking animatedly, chin up and very serious. I don't seem to grasp the content of their discussion yet, as my mind is still coming to terms with how much her look reminds me of Claire. Although their styles clash tremendously. This woman has on a thick blue oversized sweater, with the collar of her dress protruding from the neck line.

It's cold outside, but the room is fairly cool, so i don't understand why she still has that thick sweater that might as well be a blanket on. From under the table, i can see the rest of her dress, ending just over her knees. I can also see that she is wearing flat shoes.

There is nothing flattering about her outfit, and yet, she is still strikingly beautiful, with her blonde streaks tied up in a ponytail.

She finally notices me watching her and stops talking, holding my gaze for a second. That snaps me out of my revere, and i clear my throat.

Ally turns around and looks at me.

"Oh, Angelo...hai" she says with a smile.

"Hello Alaia" I respond, walking towards them, but keeping my eyes intently on her companion, who suddenly looks down at the table and starts to adjust some books.

"Is Nick with you?" Ally asks.

"Yeah, upstairs changing, i think" I saying, briefly looking at Ally, then back at her companion.

She notices me looking, and quickly makes the introduction.

"Oh, this is Mary, Mary Wright, she is my tutor" she murmurs.

"Oh yeah, Nick said something about that." I respond..

Mary looks up at me now and smiles shyly, and this time, our eyes meet directly, eliciting what almost feels like an electric shock in my spine.

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