Chapter 25 - Smash Into You

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I watch Lordes drive off the black SUV with a very upset Marianne sitting at the back, until it dissapears out of sight. This is all Stephanie's fault. She couldn't keep her mouth shut for once. Shit!

She and Ben are well suited for each other. Both fond of running their mouths loosely, unnecesarily.

I was going to tell Marianne about Claire myself, i made that decision last night. I was going to find the best moment sometime later tonight when we were alone to tell her everything, just like she did with me last night, but now all that has been ruined for me, i don't even know what Steph told her, all i know is whatever it was got her to be weary of me a little, and the idea of her being afraid of me just fucks me up.

I turn around and walk back into the house. I will have to deal with that later, i have to keep a clear head in order to deal with this job now.


"Hey, are you ok?" Eva asks, pulling a jacket over herself as we walk to the driveway, three hours later.

"Yeah i am fine, why?" I shrug unconvincingly.

"Are you sure? You have been abit distracted all night." she observes.

"It's been a long day" i respond, hoping she will drop the matter.

"Ahh, right"

"Honestly, i just want to go home and be alone right now"

"Trouble in Paradise already? We could get a drink and talk about it if you want....I could give you some girl advise"she offers.

I smile at that, briefly contemplating her offer, but it's very late and i am tired. And frankly speaking, i don't want to talk to anyone but Marianne right now.

"Thanks, but maybe another time" i say and get into my car, immediately driving off.

The idea of going home to an empty apartment is depressing. Lordes shot me a text almost immediately he left with Marianne to tell me she asked to be dropped off at her own place. I contemplate driving to her place but decide against it. Maybe we both just need a moment to calm down and regroup.

Later, sleep is hard to come by as i toss around in bed all night. The last couple of nights have been heaven next to my Mary. This is almost unbearable.


It's a lazy sunday morning and i am sitting on my sofa flipping through the tv channels looking for something 'interesting' to watch.

"Are you coming?" Luke asks again. He has been trying to get me to go outdoors with him all morning, but i am not feeling up to it or anything.

I shake my head.

"Whatever, when you are done sulking, you know where to find me" He mutters angrily.

I know i am being a bit unfair to him, but i don't want to leave the apartment in case Angelo shows up.

I grab my phone and look at the screen for the millionth time.

No new messages.

I admit i didn't want to talk to him last night but i was sure he would call or come by later, but he hasn't. And it's like the more time passes, the more restless i become.

Is he even ok? Maybe something's wrong and he is unable to get in touch with me....I should just swallow my pride and call him right? even if he scolded me like a child yesterday.

What do i do?

I miss him. It's sunday and tomorrow we will both have work and i know i will regret not spending time with him today when i had the chance.

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