Chapter 45 - Yes

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Marianne's POV

As i walk towards the door, i take note of the fact that i have a few minutes before Elijah shows up to pick me up for work, so i have to make it quick. At the door, i pause for a few seconds, and wonder if Angelo would approve of what i am about to do.

I mean, she is already here, so why not just see what she wants, incase it's something important, i reason.

Who am i kidding, he won't be happy about this, but it's too late to back down.

I open the door and Claire is already standing on the other side, in a red dress and a black ankle length coat, red bright lipstick on and her blonde hair flowing down her shoulders in thick waves.

We share a brief look before i step aside and let her in. After i close the door, i walk ahead of her to the living room.

"Hai...... so what can i do you for you?" I go straight to the point, after i turn around to face her.

She smiles, and puts her purse down on the table.

I realise i haven't offered her a seat yet, but before i can, she walks across the room to the wine cabinet and grabs a bottle of wine, staring at it like it's the most interesting thing she has ever held.

"This is Angelo's favorite, do you mind?" She asks, already grabbing a glass and starting to pour herself a drink.

"Actually, i do, i need to get to work, so can you get to the point of your visit, i don't have all mornimg" I utter.

She takes a sip of the drink and smiles a friendly, innocent smile and i start to second guess my decision to allow her in.

She turns and looks around the room.

"I am surprised he has kept everything more or less the same, the decor and furniture i mean. We picked out everything together when he was moving in.....he must still really like it, i guess he is not a man who likes change, right?" She drawls, finally looking at me.

"Is there a reason you are here, because i really so have to go" I mutter impatiently.

"I know we don't know each other very well, but i think you and i are more alike than you think, plus we do have something in common after all right? we are both in love with the same man, well atleast i assume you are, i know i am and i have been for a good part of my adult life." She says leisurely.

"Your point?" I mutter.

"Relax, i am not here to start a fight or anything like that. I understand and respect the fact that Ange is with someone else now, but if i am being honest, it's something that i am finding harder to accept than i initially thought i would, i am sure you can understand that, but that's not your problem and it's not what brings me here today" she says, looking at me sternly.

I give her a blank stare, wanting to cut her off so i can leave.

"The reason i am really here is because Ange is pushing for an annulment..." She utters and that gets my full attention.

"I am sure you know all about that. But he is going against the initial agreement and quite frankly, the timing is off right now with Ivan being sick. I don't know if you know, but Ivan has always been a keen supporter of our relationship and i don't want anything to affect his recovery, you know what i mean?....I.." She utters.

"Ok stop, let me stop you right there. You are directing this convensation to the wrong person, i am not the one you are married to or the one trying to get an annulment here, you know where to find Angelo, i suggest you pick this up with him." I mutter.

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