Chapter 15 - Autopilot

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What's that phrase, cloud nine? I think i am on cloud nine.

When i open my eyes again, i am still on cloud nine.

I look at Marianne, lying beneath me, her back arched, with her head tossed back exposing her neck. Her eyes are shut tightly with her face flushed red, and a prominent protruding vein on her forehead from the center of her hairline to the crease between her brows, that i find so sexy. Her bottom lip is trapped between her teeth to supress the sound of her moans.

We are clearly on cloud nine together.

I think this is a view i will never ever get tired of looking at. We come apart, only to come back together again in an explosion of sensations.

I hurl my own head back, groaning deeply, as i get dangerously close to my release, but i don't want this feeling to end just yet.

I look down and Marianne's head is close to the edge of the bed, again. I shift back a little, pulling her back to the center of the bed with me. She looks back at me now, breathing heavily, her hair sticking to the sheet of sweat on her forehead, all that backtalk now completely gone, and the corners of my lips twitch, trying to withhold my smile.

Her fingers wrap around my forearms, when i lower my forehead to rest against hers, then we start to move again, building up a steady rythym, that picks up spead with time.

"Come for me again baby" i urge her on, when she makes a muffled sound, her muscles squeezing and pulsing around me as her thighs begin to squiver due to her impending climax, and i know i won't be able to hold back my own anymore.

Soon i start to explode. I bury my head in crook of her neck and i release inside her as she comes too.

Silence fills the room as our breathing return to normal and i finally lean back, pulling out of her carefully, already missing how warm and tight she feels.

I walk to where i can only assume is the bathroom. When i come back, she is shifting the sheets and comforter around, trying to get covered up. I join her under the comforter, and lean back against the headboard while she stares up at the ceiling.

"I wanted to ask, how's your father?"she looks at me briefly.

"He is fine, we were lucky, it wasn't very serious" i respond, looking down at her.

"That's good" she whispers.

"Are you tired" I ask, holding her gaze, i don't really feel like sleeping yet, and i am a bit hungry aswell"

"Why?" she if her face wasn't red enough already and i chuckle.

"Am hungry....for food" i explain.

She smiles and sits up, the beddings sliping off of her in the process, exposing her breasts briefly before she quickly covers up again, but not before i got a good look and now i am hungry for her too.

"I can make us something to eat if you like"she offers, her voice soft.

"I'll help" i offer too.

She gets up and uses my shirt to cover up as she walks to her closet and picks out a sweater and socks about knee high, and pulls on some underwear aswell.

"I'll be in the kitchen" she says as she walks to the door and exits without another word or even looking back at me.

I don't know if it's shyness, but she seems abit distant now. I hope she isn't regretting what we just shared.

I pick up my jeans from somewhere in the room, put them on and sit down on the bed, running a hand through my tossled hair.

I think about the conversation i had with Nick earlier tonight and sigh.

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