Chapter 47 - Sunshine and Daisies

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Marianne's POV

To say the general atmosphere amongst us is high would be putting it lightly, the loud chatter and excitement as we make our way to the cars leading us to the plane is infectious.

And to my surprise, instead of going to a commercial plane, we drive to a different section, towards a private jet and Angelo informs me the Bishops are actually in the Aviation business among other things and we are currently using one of their personal crafts.

After we get out of the cars and start walking towards the jet, Angelo puts his arm around my shoulders and laughs at something Aaron says, but my mind is elsewhere, focused on the jet and just finally getting the chance to sit down again.

I want so badly to match everyone's energy right now, but it's proving to be difficult, when i cannot shake off the feeling of slight disorientation that i felt the moment i got out of my chair in the waiting room when Angelo arrived.

And also, i must admit, Angelo and i have not been around this many people together since the whole marriage thing happened, so it does feels abit strange for me now, although Angelo seems completely relaxed and unbothered.

I guess it will just take a little getting used to for me, although i do take comfort in the fact that everyone here knows the true nature of the situation and they have been generally awesome enough to not make things awkward so far.

"Mary c'mon" Sienna shouts, as the girls pose for a picture on the steps of the jet.

I detangle myself from Angelo, who gives me a little smack on my butt before letting me go, and I quickly join them

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I detangle myself from Angelo, who gives me a little smack on my butt before letting me go, and I quickly join them. We end up posing for a couple of more pictures with everyone before boarding the jet.

I sit down next to Angelo and look out the window as the we take off.

Are you ok?" Angelo whispers, interlacing our fingers and getting my attention.

"Mhhmm? Yeah..." I smile, turning to face him and then kissing him on the cheek.

He looks at me disbelievingly with his eyebrow raised.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I noticed you seem a little zoned out. What's wrong?" He asks.

I sigh and lay my head on his shoulder, and he brings his other hand to sandwich my hand in his. I also bring my other hand to trace the veins on his hand, loving how they look and feel under my touch, with his hands completely covering mine.

"I think i got up too fast when i saw you...I feel a bit.....disoriented." I admit.

"Dizzy?"he asks.

".......Yeah" I deliberately didn't want to use that word.

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