Chapter 11 - At My Worst

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With Sarah over at Luke's for the weekend, i can hear the pair of them walking in and out of his apartment a bunch of times being loud and obviously fooling around abit for all who have ears to hear.

Which leaves me alone to do whatever i want in peace. Which also means, i can do my laundry without him asking me to help him with his this time.

Then i clean up the apartment, which takes me all morning to complete, by lunch time am starving, but i have run out of groceries, so i will need to spend the afternoon shopping.

Putting on some loose dark jeans, a fitting tshirt and blue sweater on, i grab my purse, phone and earphone and head out. Now that the weather is getting really cold, i need to buy a few more warmer clothes to suit the weather.

Walking into some of my favorite shops in the town center, i pick out some jeans, sweaters, a couple of warmer work clothes, some socks, thicker leggings and a few casual shirts.

My job with Ally means i am making a lot more money than i usually do, so i feel like spoiling my self a little more today.

I am on my way to the counter to pay for my things in one of the shops when i notice the underwear section and decide maybe i could use a few new bras and panties.

With my earphones playing my favorites tunes in my ears, i am so focused on my task that am taken aback when someone suddenly embraces me from the back, placing their chin on my shoulders as their arms come round to my front.

Am startled.

What the hell?

The only person with the audacity to do something like this is Luke, and am pretty sure i left him at the apartment.

"Hey beautiful" a male voice says as i twist my head to see who it is.


"Eric" i burst out, almost wanting to shout as i step out of his embrace.

"Hi" he smiles.

"What are you doing here" i ask, beginning to feel nervous and irriated. The last few times we met were not very pleasant.

He shrugs in response and points to some underwear on display behind me.

"I like those, that color would look great with your skin tone" he refers to a black lacy pair of panties i already put in my basket to buy.

However, I don't respond. I carry the items i already selected and walk to the counter. He doesn't follow me thanksfully and i hope to the stars he has gone and left me alone altogether.

But as luck would have it, as i walk out of the shop, he walks up to me again.

"Let me get those for you, Mary" He offers, using my first name despite me having specifically asked him not to address me by my first.

"Eric, what do you think you are doing?" i ask, turning at an angle to keep my bags out of his reach.

"Helping you, i know you are alone here." he says casually.

"Are you following me?"

"I just happened to see you"

"Look, you need to leave me alone. I thought we were clear on that. I will seriously call the police if you insist on following me. This is not ok" i say, seriously, feeling pissed off.

"Will you relax, am over 18 now, so you have nothing to worry anymore" he responds.

"I don't care how old you are, but if you....."

"C'mon, we can talk on the way, i will take you home, i have a car, and i know you don't like to drive." he grabs my bags abruptly and starts walking in the direction of the exit.

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