Chapter 44 - Suited For Each Other

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Marianne's POV

I pull in up into the school parking lot at the same time as Principal Wallace. He eyes me briefly as we both disembark from our vehicles. He doesn't say much except for a polite greeting when we walk together towards the school building.

After news of Angelo's 'union' broke out, Wallace stopped being overly chatty with me, but for some reason he has continued to be as respectful as he had been before that, which is the complete opposite of what i expected from him under the new circumstances. I expected him to go back to treating me the way he did pre-Angelo.

As we turn towards the school hall, Rachel sees us coming and inconspicuously smile at me, as we approach her. As soon as Wallace separates from us, we burst out laughing.

"That's a new development, need i ask more?" Rachel asks, looking over my shoulder to the car.

"Don't bother" I say as we walk.

"Anyway, so, do you remember Gregory from the other night?" She asks.

"Yeah, you mean your date?" I snicker.

"Aahhh, yeah, well, he really took a fancy to you and has been bugging my cousin for your number"

"Really?" I am not very surprised, we vibed really well and i ended up spending more time with him than anybody else that night.

"Really, well, apparently, you blew him away and he, i quote ' hasn't met a girl as amazing as you in a long time' unquote."

"Well, he seemed like a nice guy too" I respond.

"Rich too, apparently he owns an advertising firm or something. I should have paid more attention to him." She scolds herself and i laugh.

"He told me he works at one" I respond.

"It's his alright...He is humble too, damn!" she playfully smacks herself.

I laugh again.

"Honestly, this is ridiculous, a couple of months ago, i was single and wanted to be in a relationship with someone, but i couldn't met anyone that i felt remotely attracted to or could have a decent connection with, but now that i kind of am in one, sudennly....."

" have all these suitors popping up left, right and center......Girl, these are the kind of problems i would kill for. But seriously, when you make up your mind, just hook me up with whichever guy you dissapoint ok?" She utters before dissappearing into her class.

I shake my head a bit as i walk into my class. Life has definitely taken an unusual turn for me lately.


This being the last week before the school term ends, the days feel like they have been rolling by fast, i can't believe it's already thursday. The excitement from the students at the term ending is quite infectious, so my days have generally been enjoyable at work.

My nights however, not so much, since i am usually alone. Angelo has been very busy, with his time mostly spent at the hospital or working, we have not even been able to see each other since monday morning when i dropped by the hospital.

Ivan's condition hasn't changed and he is still unconscious, so the family is still in limbo, 'just waiting to see which way the chips fall' as Angelo had put it.

I understand his absence and actually sympathise with him. I wish there was a way i could make things better or easier for him, but the best i can do right now is just let him know am here if he needs me and be on stand by incase of anything.

Unlike other school breaks in the past, i am really excited about this one because i have so much to look forward to. I plan to spend some time in Milford with mom and Jaden, maybe do some fun stuff together. And i already signed up for the town marathon and so i plan on spending more time training for that as well.

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