Chapter 39 - Back To Me

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Marianne's POV

The next couple of days pass by painfully slow, my time at home mostly spent in the bedroom.

Angelo and i haven't seen each other since Monday night and i am now starting to believe, he is no longer staying here, and don't dare to think about where he could be staying right now.

With Alana now gone, i am left to face my loneliness. The house feels strange, and even though i have lived here alone during one of Angelo's absence, this time it feels really different being here without him.

But i have to admit, now that a couple of days have passed by, most of the anger i felt is gone, what is left in it's place is sadness and the pain of adjusting and accepting my new circumstances.

Lately, i find myself following the news or newspapers or any lifestyle channel or anything that may cover the Meraki case in order to get an idea of what's going on.

I am completely in the dark and want to know something, and i wish that i had asked Angelo alot more questions about it or allowed him to explain more, because now, even if i try to pretend i don't care, i do care and want to know what's going on.

And deep down i know i would give anything for things to go back to the way they were between us.

The last few days i have had nothing to do but think. I have thought about Angelo, and what our relationship would have been like if this marriage thing had not come up.

I acknowledge the fact that he is a very busy person, and there was and will always be something coming up to take time away from us, things that maybe more important to him than our relationship, like his work and evidently his family, and i get the family part, my family is important too.

But thinking critically about things, i realise work will always come second to his family, and then whatever else he deems important, i don't know if i want to be the least important thing in his life.

I sigh and turn to look at the bedroom clock.


I close my laptop and get up out of bed, realising that i had strayed away from my earlier task, house hunting.

I have been looking for apartments or flats near my old neighbourhood and i have come to realise how hard it is to find a new place when you need one.

I thought i would find one right away, but then i have to consider the right location, the right asking price and to make sure the building has got good services that work right etc, it's going to take alot more time that i initially thought.

Feeling abit hungry, i head down to the kitchen for a snack before going to sleep.

I walk down the stairs and think about the time Angelo carried me up here that first night he invited me for dinner, we ended up abandoning that dinner until much much later in the night, I recall with a blush.

Honestly, i don't know how much more of this i can take. All the memories of every single time we have shared in this place are all coming back to me.

Every time i look at something, touch something or walk into a room, i think of something new that i miss about him, and it's making my heart go crazy with longing.


Today, i wake up a little later than usual, it being the friday when we are finally having the Inter school sports tornament which will start somewhere around mid morning, so i can take my time getting ready.

Dressed only in Angelo's tshirt, like i have done every day this week, i tie my hair up into a loose bun and brush my teeth infront of the mirror.

Then to my complete surprise, the slightly opened door, spreads completely open as Angelo walks in, barefoot, in black suit pants and white vest, hair tossled and comes to a halt when he sees me.

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