Chapter 10 - Inevitable

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I watch as Angelo disappears from my view before i start to close the door slowly. I turn the key in the door to lock up like i told him i would then turn around with my back again it.

To say i was stunned at his actions just now would be an understatement.

He kissed me.

He actually kissed me.

I press my fingers lightly on my lips trying to relive exactly how it felt when he did it, then i notice Luke watching me.

"What?" i asks quickly, embarrassment spreading over my face.

"What are you doing?" he asks, it appears he missed the kiss, thank God!

"He kissed me, a little" i want to say but decide to withhold this piece of information from my closest friend in the world. I don't want him to make a big deal out of it, especially when i myself don't even know yet the exact dynamics of my relationship with Angelo.

"Nothing, just....nothing" i say instead.

"Ok, come sit down real quick..what is going on? What was that? He is giving you rides now?"

"I was at Ally's for our lessons, and he happened to be there too coincidentally, then when i got that text and he saw how shaken i became, he offered to bring me home" i explain while Luke just stares back at me.

"C'mon, what now?"

"He is so into you, why did you try to downplay whats going on between you?"

"Nothing is going on."

"Angelo Morreli was here, in your house damn!"

"It's not a big deal" right?

His response is a serious glare.

"Alright, i need to take a bath, you need to go" i stand up.

"I made dinner, you gonna come?" he asks, standing up too.

"Ok" i reply already walking to my bedroom and leaving him to show himself out.

Getting out of my clothes and into my black robe, i walk to my bathroom. While i let the water warm up in the shower, i stand by my sink to wash my face.

Looking at myself, i can't help but imagine what Angelo sees when he looks at me. He is always looking at me, and even though it makes me blush, i refuse to go down without a fight, so i stare back, until it starts to make me nervous and giddy

And then i remember the door, which must be unlocked after Luke walked out.

Oh shit!

I rush out of my room and go straight for the door and lock it.

I can already picture his disapproving glare, and it makes me giggle a little. God, he is always so serious, except for that one time when they were watching the football game and he was laughing so much, he needs to laugh more. I must admit am curious and want to know a little more about him.

I walk back to the bathroom and into the shower, afterwhich, i put on a long sweater about mid thigh length, tights and knee high thick socks and some comfy house shoes. Picking up my phone, i head next door for my dinner.


I wake up abruptly in the middle of the night, surrounded by darkness and the sound of my heavy breathing. I look around the empty room and throw my head back into the pillows and run my fingers over my face.

It was just a dream. Just a dream.

But three nights in a row now. damn!


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