Chapter 17 - Untamed

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"Hey, what happened?"Luke asks again, as he helps me to sit down on his couch.

"It was Eric" I say and explain to him what happened.

"We should call the police, he sounds dangerous." Rachel suggests.

"I agree, but i would like to beat him up first" Luke sneers.

This time, i actually agree, he has really begun to scare me now. I hoped he would get tired of pursuing me and leave me alone, but he is only getting more aggresive and physical with time.

However, once this gets to the police, his parents will know, and i don't know how that will affect my job, seeing as they are part of the school board and all.

"I should go....although i wanted to borrow the Science Module we were talking about ealier, that's why i came you mind?" Rachel asks.

"No, let me get it for you." i murmur.

"I'll get it, just tell me where it is" Luke offers.

"I will come with you. Hey, do you mind if he walks me to my car, i am a little scared actually?" Rachel asks with a smile.

"Sure, ofcourse" i reply.

Luke locks me in his apartment, before going off with Rachel living me to curl up on the couch with a blanket around me.

My head is pounding from being slammed into the wall, twice and so i rest my head on the arm of the sofa.

"Are you ok" Luke asks, when he gets back, coming to sit with me and throwing his arm around my shoulders.

"Yeah, i guess, i have a headache that's starting, but i am ok" I smile.

"You know, you don't have to pretend with me, it's ok not to be fine sometimes" he says seriously holding my gaze.

"Hey" Sarah utters to both Luke and my surprise.

"Sarah.....hai"i say softly and she merely nods at me, giving me a brief smile that doesn't meet her eyes.

"Hey did you get in, i just locked up" Luke asks.

"You gave me a key, remember?" She says with a sour face, and i take that as my cue to leave.

She and I have never really hit it off despite them dating for over a year now. When she is around, i try to stay away as much as i can.

"I should probably go now, thanks for your help" I stand up, shrugging of Luke's arm from around my shoulders.

"Are you sure, i don't want you being alone right now" Luke stands up too.

"I am sure. I am ok now anyway. Thank you" i give Sarah a brief smile and pick up my bag and walk to the door.

"Mary, i don't think. ...."

"Luke, she said she is fine" Sarah snaps.

"Babe, you don't know what happened" he replies, walking out of my apartment with me.

"Let me just check the place first then. Wait here" he frowns, taking the key from my hand and going in first.

He walks around the place, checking every room while Sarah and I stand by the small entrance awkwardly.

My headache is really getting worse.

"All clear" he shouts from my living room and we follow him there."

"Are you sure you will be ok?" Luke asks again, as i sit down on my sofa and rub my temples.

"Why won't she be ok?" Angelo's voice asks from behind Luke, causing my heart to do a couple of cartwheels.

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