Chapter 33 - Remember Us This Way

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Marianne's POV

I walk out of the bedroom and come down the stairs on a wednesday morning, as carefully and as quietly as i can.

"Goodmorning Miss Wright"

I am startled by the sound of a male voice, not expecting anyone to be down here, having left Angelo in bed upstairs.

I turn around quickly, expecting to see Mario, but i find Sam Lamari instead.

He is punctual.

"Goodmorning" i breathe out, with my hand over my heart.

"Am sorry, i didn't mean to startle you"

"No, it's alright, i just wasn't expecting anyone to be down here this early." i say, my eyes briefly glacing at the top of the stairscase.

He nods.

"Whenever you are ready" he says.

"Sure, i guess we can go now." i utter.

He nods again and leads the way to the door.

I look up the stairs again one last time, half hoping to see Angelo, but he is not there, and i am torn between dissapointment and relief.

Then i imagine him still sleeping peacefully and a smile spreads over my face, my heart filling up with the warmth only he can make me feel.

I turn around and see Sam watching me and quickly walk towards him, slightly feeling embarrassed at the thought of being caught watching for Angelo and then i remember the picnic and then wonder if he saw anything i should be embarrassed about.


I look at the time, then at the empty bed space next to me.

I am not much of a heavy sleeper, so i am surprised i completely missed Marianne preparing for work this morning. She must have been really sneaky about it, or i was just really worn out to not hear her moving around.

I suspect both. We had a long day yesterday, and an even longer night.

I am glad we took the time off for each other. Going out and doing normal couple things made it feel like we were just that, a normal couple.

I love getting to know more about her and the more i know, the deeper i fall for her. Since she came into my life, i have changed and i like the man i am when i am with her.

I can't imagine my future with anyone else. I want to face each day knowing that she is in my corner, just like i am in hers. We are a team now.

She is my end game.

I don't remember feeling this happy and content before. It's like i found something i never knew i needed, and now that i have, i can never let it go.

I turn my head to the bedside table and grab my phone, switching it on and waiting for it to blow up with notifications.

We both switched them off yesterday, so we could completely focus on each other without the obvious interruption that could have occured otherwise.

I watch it light up with pop up messages and missed calls. I start to lose count, when it sudennly rings in my hand.

"Yeah" i answer after the first ring.

"Where have you been, i have been trying to call you since yesterday" Ben's voice comes through impatiently.

"What's up?"

"We have a problem" he groans.


Sam opens the door to the apartment, the elevator, building entrance and leads me to the indoor car park until we stop infront of a car.

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